Konrad Hungerbühler: Lehrveranstaltungen im Herbstsemester 2016

NameHerr Prof. em. Dr. Konrad Hungerbühler
Inst. f. Chemie- u. Bioing.wiss.
ETH Zürich, HCI G 133
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich
DepartementChemie und Angewandte Biowissenschaften
BeziehungProfessor emeritus

529-0047-00LRisk Assessment of Chemicals7 KP6A
529-0047-00 ARisikobewertung für Chemikalien
80s Std.n. V.C. Bogdal, K. Hungerbühler, N. von Götz, Z. Wang
529-0459-00LCase Studies in Process Design7 KP3A
529-0459-00 ACase Studies in Process Design
This course does not take place on a weekly basis. Instead, a case study is carried out by the students in a specific "case study week" to be announced at the beginning of the lecture. Some of the available dates are used for exercises in "Process Simulation and Flowsheeting" (e.g. with Aspen, gPROMS, Matlab, etc.).
42s Std.
Mi13:45-16:30HCI G 174 »
K. Hungerbühler, E. Capón García
529-0549-01LFallstudien I3 KP3A
529-0549-01 AFallstudien I
This course does not take place on a weekly basis. Instead, a case study is carried out by the students in a specific "case study week" to be announced at the beginning of the lecture. Lectures about "data acquisition and patents" will be held on some of the rest of the available dates.
39s Std.
Fr12:45-15:30HCI G 174 »
K. Hungerbühler, E. Capón García, U. Fischer
529-0613-00LProcess Simulation and Flowsheeting7 KP3G
529-0613-00 GProcess Simulation and Flowsheeting
Some of the available dates of the course "Case Studies in Process Design" on Wednesdays, 2-5 pm, are used for exercises in "Process Simulation and Flowsheeting" (e.g. with Aspen, gPROMS, Matlab, etc.). The participation in these exercises is considered critical for understanding and practicing the content of the course, and therefore, preparing for the written exams. Every student is asked to hand a report for these exercises. The reports are corrected and graded to provide the necessary feedback to the students.
3 Std.
Mo09:45-12:30HCI J 6 »
E. Capón García, K. Hungerbühler
529-0637-00LChemical Engineering Laboratory II Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 8 KP8P
529-0637-00 PChemical Engineering Laboratory II Für Fachstudierende und Hörer/-innen ist eine Spezialbewilligung der Dozierenden notwendig.8 Std.
Fr08:45-11:30HCI »
12:45-16:30HCI »
M. Morbidelli, K. Hungerbühler, N. Kobert, F. C. I. Meemken
529-0699-00LSafety and Environmental Technology of Chemical Processes and Products0 KP2S
529-0699-00 SSafety and Environmental Technology of Chemical Processes and Products2 Std.
Fr09:45-11:30HCI H 8.1 »
K. Hungerbühler, C. Bogdal, E. Capón García, F. C. I. Meemken, M. Scheringer, N. von Götz, Z. Wang
529-0745-00LGeneral and Environmental Toxicology7 KP3V
529-0745-00 VGeneral and Environmental Toxicology3 Std.
Fr08:45-11:30HCI J 8 »
M. Arand, K. Hungerbühler, H. Nägeli, B. B. Stieger, I. Werner