Leonhard Kleiser: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2012

Name Prof. em. Dr. Leonhard Kleiser
Name variantsLeonhard Kleiser
L. Kleiser
DepartmentMechanical and Process Engineering
RelationshipProfessor emeritus

151-0044-00LEngineering Tool IV/V: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with OpenFoam Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants: 40

Only one course can be chosen in the first week of the semester. All Engineering Tool courses are for MAVT-Bachelor students only.

1. Until 13.09.2012: Register on https://www.mavt.ethz.ch/studies/tools and apply for the Engineering Tool course.
2. From 17.09.2012 on: Register in myStudies for the corresponding Engineering Tool course. (Before 17.09.2012, no registration for Engineering Tool courses are possible in myStudies.)
1 credit1KP. Jenny, L. Kleiser
AbstractParticipants will learn to use the open source simulation software OpenFOAM on a user level (i.e. to conduct classical CFD studies). We will also introduce the students into programming with OpenFOAM so they will be able to implement additional equations into existing solvers.
Learning objectiveParticipants will learn to use the open source simulation software OpenFOAM on a user level (i.e. to conduct classical CFD studies). We will also introduce the students into programming with OpenFOAM so they will be able to implement additional equations into existing solvers.
ContentOpenFOAM is a very professional open-source simulation package which is freely (CHF 0.-) available under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It consists of a vast C++ library, many different applications and additional tools. Although most of the existing applications are flow solvers, OpenFOAM can be used in many different areas, as varied as solid dynamics, electromagnetics or pricing of financial options.

Most users make only use of the included applications. One particular strength of OpenFOAM, however, is that new applications and even extensions of the library can be developed in a rather compact and elegant way.
Prerequisites / NoticeKnowing C++ or at least having some experience in another programming language will be of an advantage but is not strictly required to follow this course.
151-0044-10LEngineering Tool IV/V: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with OpenFoam Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants: 40

Only one course can be chosen in the first week of the semester. All Engineering Tool courses are for MAVT-Bachelor students only.

1. Until 13.09.2012: Register on https://www.mavt.ethz.ch/studies/tools and apply for the Engineering Tool course.
2. From 17.09.2012 on: Register in myStudies for the corresponding Engineering Tool course. (Before 17.09.2012, no registration for Engineering Tool courses are possible in myStudies.)
0.4 credits1KP. Jenny, L. Kleiser
AbstractParticipants will learn to use the open source simulation software OpenFOAM on a user level (i.e. to conduct classical CFD studies). We will also introduce the students into programming with OpenFOAM so they will be able to implement additional equations into existing solvers.
Learning objectiveParticipants will learn to use the open source simulation software OpenFOAM on a user level (i.e. to conduct classical CFD studies). We will also introduce the students into programming with OpenFOAM so they will be able to implement additional equations into existing solvers.
ContentOpenFOAM is a very professional open-source simulation package which is freely (CHF 0.-) available under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It consists of a vast C++ library, many different applications and additional tools. Although most of the existing applications are flow solvers, OpenFOAM can be used in many different areas, as varied as solid dynamics, electromagnetics or pricing of financial options.

Most users make only use of the included applications. One particular strength of OpenFOAM, however, is that new applications and even extensions of the library can be developed in a rather compact and elegant way.
Prerequisites / NoticeKnowing C++ or at least having some experience in another programming language will be of an advantage but is not strictly required to follow this course.
151-0103-AALFluid Dynamics II Information Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Enrolment only for MSc students who need this course as additional requirement.
3 credits6RL. Kleiser
- Two-dimensional irrotational (potential) flows: stream function and potential, singularity method, unsteady flow, aerodynamic concepts
- Vorticity dynamics: vorticity and circulation, vorticity equation, vortex theorems of Helmholtz and Kelvin
- Compressible flows: isentropic flow along stream tube, normal and oblique shocks, Laval nozzle, Prandtl-Meyer expansion, viscous effects.
Learning objectiveExpand basic knowledge of fluid dynamics.
Concepts, phenomena and quantitative description of irrotational (potential), rotational, and one-dimensional compressible flows.
Content- Two-dimensional irrotational (potential) flows: stream function and potential, complex notation, singularity method, unsteady flow, aerodynamic concepts
- Vorticity dynamics: vorticity and circulation, vorticity equation, vortex theorems of Helmholtz and Kelvin
- Compressible flows: isentropic flow along stream tube, normal and oblique shocks, Laval nozzle, Prandtl-Meyer expansion, viscous effects.
Lecture notesLecture notes are available (in German)
LiteratureRelevant chapters (corresponding to lecture notes) from
P.K. Kundu & I.M. Cohen, Fluid Mechanics, Academic Press, 4th ed., 2008
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites:
Knowledge of Fluid Dynamics I, thermodynamics of ideal gas

Exam: Sessionsprüfung
Oral, 30min, no aids.
151-0103-00LFluid Dynamics II Information 3 credits2V + 1UL. Kleiser, P. Jenny
- Two-dimensional irrotational (potential) flows: streamfunction and potential, singularity method, unsteady flow, aerodynamic concepts
- Vorticity dynamics: vorticity and circulation, vorticity equation, vortex theorems of Helmholtz and Kelvin
- Compressible flows: isentropic flow along stream tube, normal and oblique shocks, Laval nozzle, Prandtl-Meyer expansion, viscous effects
Learning objectiveExpand basic knowledge of fluid dynamics.
Concepts, phenomena and quantitative description of irrotational (potential), rotational, and one-dimensional compressible flows.
Content- Two-dimensional irrotational (potential) flows: stream function and potential, complex notation, singularity method, unsteady flow, aerodynamic concepts
- Vorticity dynamics: vorticity and circulation, vorticity equation, vortex theorems of Helmholtz and Kelvin
- Compressible flows: isentropic flow along stream tube, normal and oblique shocks, Laval nozzle, Prandtl-Meyer expansion, viscous effects
Lecture notesLecture notes are available (in German).
(See also info on literature below.)
LiteratureRelevant chapters (corresponding to lecture notes) from the textbook

P.K. Kundu, I.M. Cohen, D.R. Dowling: Fluid Mechanics, Academic Press, 5th ed., 2011 (includes a free copy of the DVD "Multimedia Fluid Mechanics")

For details see the "Information for students with little knowledge of German" on www.ifd.mavt.ethz.ch/education/Lectures/fluid2
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites:
Knowledge of Fluid Dynamics I, thermodynamics of ideal gas
151-0109-00LTurbulent Flows4 credits2V + 1UL. Kleiser, P. Jenny
- Laminar and turbulent flows, instability and origin of turbulence - Statistical description: averaging, turbulent energy, dissipation, closure problem - Scalings. Homogeneous isotropic turbulence, correlations, Fourier representation, energy spectrum - Free turbulence: wake, jet, mixing layer - Wall turbulence: Channel and boundary layer - Computation and modelling of turbulent flows
Learning objectiveBasic physical phenomena of turbulent flows, quantitative and statistical description, basic and averaged equations, principles of turbulent flow computation and elements of turbulence modelling
Content- Eigenschaften laminarer, transitioneller und turbulenter Strömungen
- Turbulenzbeeinflussung und Turbulenzentstehung, hydrodynamische Instabilität und Transition
- Statistische Beschreibung: Mittelung, Gleichungen für mittlere Strömung, turbulente Schwankungen, Turbulenzenergie, Reynoldsspannungen, Dissipation. Schliessungsproblem
- Skalenbetrachtungen. Homogene isotrope Turbulenz, Korrelationen, Fourierzerlegung, Energiespektrum, Gitterturbulenz
- Freie Turbulenz. Nachlauf, Freistrahl, Mischungsschicht
- Wandturbulenz. Turbulente Grenzschicht, Kanalströmung
- Grundlagen zur Berechnung turbulenter Strömungen und Elemente der Turbulenzmodellierung (Wirbelzähigkeitsmodelle, k-epsilon-Modell).
Lecture notesLecture notes are available
LiteratureS.B. Pope, Turbulent Flows, Cambridge University Press, 2000
Prerequisites / NoticeTestat is neccessary

151-0111-00LResearch Seminar in Fluid Dynamics Restricted registration - show details 0 credits2SL. Kleiser, P. Jenny, T. Rösgen
AbstractCurrent research projects at the Institute of Fluid Dynamics are presented and discussed.
Learning objectiveExchange on current internal research projects. Training of presentation skills.
151-1053-00LThermo- and Fluid Dynamics Information 0 credits2KL. Kleiser, R. S. Abhari, K. Boulouchos, P. Jenny, P. Koumoutsakos, C. Müller, H. G. Park, D. Poulikakos, H.‑M. Prasser, T. Rösgen, A. Steinfeld
AbstractCurrent advanced research activities in the areas of thermo- and fluid dynamics are presented and discussed, mostly by external speakers.
Learning objectiveKnowledge of advanced research in the areas of thermo- and fluid dynamics
401-5950-00LSeminar in Fluid Dynamics for CSE Restricted registration - show details 4 credits2SP. Jenny, L. Kleiser
AbstractEnlarged knowledge and practical abilities in fundamentals and applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics
Learning objectiveEnlarged knowledge and practical abilities in fundamentals and applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics
Prerequisites / NoticeContact Prof. P. Jenny or Prof. L. Kleiser before the beginning of the semester