Dimos Poulikakos: Courses in Autumn Semester 2012

Name Prof. em. Dr. Dimos Poulikakos
Energy Science Center (ESC)
ETH Zürich, ML J 36
Sonneggstrasse 3
8092 Zürich
DepartmentMechanical and Process Engineering
RelationshipProfessor emeritus

151-0051-00LThermodynamics I4 credits2V + 2U
151-0051-00 VThermodynamik I
Vorlesung im ML D 28 mit Videoübertragung in ML E 12
2 hrs
Thu10:15-12:00ML D 28 »
10:15-12:00ML E 12 »
D. Poulikakos
151-0051-00 UThermodynamik I2 hrs
Fri08:15-10:00CHN C 14 »
08:15-10:00CHN F 42 »
08:15-10:00CHN G 42 »
08:15-10:00ML F 38 »
08:15-10:00ML F 39 »
08:15-10:00ML H 41.1 »
05.11.08:15-10:00ML H 41.1 »
17.12.08:15-10:00CHN F 42 »
10:15-12:00HG E 1.1 »
D. Poulikakos
151-0052-AALThermodynamics II Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only for MSc students who need this course as an additional requirement
4 credits9R
151-0052-AA RThemodynamics II Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Does not take place this semester.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Self-study course. No presence required.
120s hrsK. Boulouchos, D. Poulikakos
151-0235-00LThermodynamics of Novel Energy Conversion Technologies4 credits3G
151-0235-00 GThermodynamics of Novel Energy Conversion Technologies3 hrs
Mon09:15-10:00LFV E 41 »
Fri08:15-10:00LFV E 41 »
D. Poulikakos, S. Jung
151-0255-00LEnergy Conversion and Transport in Biosystems4 credits2V + 1U
151-0255-00 VEnergy Conversion and Transport in Biosystems2 hrs
Thu13:15-15:00CLA E 4 »
20.09.13:15-15:00ML F 38 »
V. Kurtcuoglu, D. Poulikakos
151-0255-00 UEnergy Conversion and Transport in Biosystems1 hrs
Fri13:15-14:00ML F 40 »
21.09.13:15-14:00ML F 40 »
V. Kurtcuoglu, D. Poulikakos
151-0267-00LPrinciples and Engineering Applications of Molecular Dynamics Simulations4 credits3G
151-0267-00 GPrinciples and Engineering Applications of Molecular Dynamics Simulations3 hrs
Mon13:15-16:00CHN G 22 »
D. Poulikakos, M. Hu
151-1053-00LThermo- and Fluid Dynamics Information 0 credits2K
151-1053-00 KThermo- and Fluid Dynamics2 hrs
Wed16:15-18:00ML H 44 »
L. Kleiser, R. S. Abhari, K. Boulouchos, P. Jenny, P. Koumoutsakos, C. Müller, H. G. Park, D. Poulikakos, H.‑M. Prasser, T. Rösgen, A. Steinfeld