Thomas Rösgen: Course units in Autumn Semester 2012

Name Prof. em. Dr. Thomas Rösgen
Institut für Fluiddynamik
ETH Zürich, ML H 33
Sonneggstrasse 3
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 26 46
DepartmentMechanical and Process Engineering
RelationshipProfessor emeritus

151-0027-00LEngineering Tool IV: Programming with LabView Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants: 16

Only one course can be chosen per semester. All Engineering Tool courses are for MAVT-Bachelor students only.

1. Until 13.09.2012: Register on and apply for the Engineering Tool course.
2. From 17.09.2012 on: Register in myStudies for the corresponding Engineering Tool course. (Before 17.09.2012, no registration for Engineering Tool courses are possible in myStudies.)
1 credit1KT. Rösgen, L. Prochazka
151-0027-10LEngineering Tool IV: Programming with LabView Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants: 16

Only one course can be chosen per semester. All Engineering Tool courses are for MAVT-Bachelor students only.

1. Until 13.09.2012: Register on and apply for the Engineering Tool course.
2. From 17.09.2012 on: Register in myStudies for the corresponding Engineering Tool course. (Before 17.09.2012, no registration for Engineering Tool courses are possible in myStudies.)
0.4 credits1KT. Rösgen, L. Prochazka
151-0102-AALFluid Dynamics I Information