Number | Title | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers |
151-0107-00L | High Performance Computing for Science and Engineering (HPCSE) for CSE | 11 credits | 7G + 2P | |
151-0107-00 G | High Performance Computing for Science and Engineering (HPCSE) | | 7 hrs | | P. Koumoutsakos,
M. Troyer |
151-0107-00 P | High Performance Computing for Science and Engineering (HPCSE) for CSE | | 2 hrs | | P. Koumoutsakos,
M. Troyer |
151-0107-10L | High Performance Computing for Science and Engineering (HPCSE) for INFK | 8 credits | 7G | |
151-0107-00 G | High Performance Computing for Science and Engineering (HPCSE) | | 7 hrs | | P. Koumoutsakos,
M. Troyer |
151-0107-20L | High Performance Computing for Science and Engineering (HPCSE) for Engineers | 4 credits | 4G | |
151-0107-20 G | High Performance Computing for Science and Engineering (HPCSE) for Engineers | | 4 hrs | | P. Koumoutsakos,
M. Troyer |
401-5810-00L | Seminar in Theoretical Physics for CSE | 4 credits | 2S | |
401-5810-00 S | Seminar in Theoretischer Physik für CSE | | 2 hrs | by appt. | M. Troyer,
P. R. Corboz |
402-0101-00L | The Zurich Physics Colloquium | 0 credits | 1K | |
402-0101-00 K | The Zurich Physics Colloquium
**together with the Uni Zurich** | | 1 hrs | | R. Renner,
C. Anastasiou,
B. Batlogg,
N. Beisert,
G. Blatter,
M. Carollo,
M. Christandl,
C. Degen,
G. Dissertori,
R. J. Douglas,
K. Ensslin,
T. Esslinger,
J. Faist,
M. Gaberdiel,
T. K. Gehrmann,
A. Gehrmann-De Ridder,
G. M. Graf,
J. Home,
P. Jetzer,
S. Johnson,
U. Keller,
K. S. Kirch,
S. Lilly,
L. M. Mayer,
J. Mesot,
M. R. Meyer,
B. Moore,
F. Pauss,
D. Pescia,
J. Read,
A. Refregier,
A. Rubbia,
K. Schawinski,
T. C. Schulthess,
U. Seljak,
M. Sigrist,
M. Troyer,
E. H. Türeci,
J. F. van der Veen,
A. Vaterlaus,
R. Wallny,
A. Wallraff,
W. Wegscheider,
D. Wyler,
A. Zheludev |
402-0217-BSL | Theoretical Semester Project in a Group of the Physics Department | 9 credits | 18A | |
402-0217-BS A | Theoretische Semesterarbeit in einer Gruppe des Physikdepartements (Physik Bachelor)
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
| | 250s hrs | by appt. | M. Sigrist,
C. Anastasiou,
N. Beisert,
G. Blatter,
M. Christandl,
M. Gaberdiel,
A. Gehrmann-De Ridder,
G. M. Graf,
R. Renner,
T. C. Schulthess,
M. Troyer |
402-0217-MSL | Theoretical Semester Project in a Group of the Physics Department | 9 credits | 18A | |
402-0217-MS A | Theoretische Semesterarbeit in einer Gruppe des Physikdepartements (Physik Master)
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
| | 250s hrs | by appt. | M. Sigrist,
C. Anastasiou,
N. Beisert,
G. Blatter,
M. Christandl,
M. Gaberdiel,
A. Gehrmann-De Ridder,
G. M. Graf,
R. Renner,
T. C. Schulthess,
M. Troyer |
402-0501-00L | Solid State Physics | 0 credits | 1S | |
402-0501-00 S | Solid State Physics | | 1 hrs | | B. Batlogg,
G. Blatter,
K. Ensslin,
D. Pescia,
M. Sigrist,
M. Troyer,
J. F. van der Veen,
A. Wallraff |
402-0800-00L | The Zurich Theoretical Physics Colloquium | 0 credits | 1S | |
402-0800-00 S | The Zurich Theoretical Physics Colloquium
| | 1 hrs | | C. Anastasiou,
N. Beisert,
G. Blatter,
M. Christandl,
M. Gaberdiel,
T. K. Gehrmann,
A. Gehrmann-De Ridder,
G. M. Graf,
P. Jetzer,
L. M. Mayer,
B. Moore,
R. Renner,
T. C. Schulthess,
U. Seljak,
M. Sigrist,
M. Troyer,
D. Wyler |
402-0811-00L | Programming Techniques for Scientific Simulations I | 5 credits | 2V + 2U | |
402-0811-00 V | Programmiertechniken für physikalische Simulationen | | 2 hrs | | M. Troyer |
402-0811-00 U | Programmiertechniken für physikalische Simulationen | | 2 hrs | | M. Troyer |
402-0890-00L | Seminars of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) | 0 credits | 2S | |
402-0890-00 S | Seminars of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC)
Monday 14:30-16:00 | | 2 hrs | | H. J. Herrmann,
T. C. Schulthess,
N. Spaldin,
M. Troyer,
J. VandeVondele |