Matthias Ernst: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2023

Name Prof. Dr. Matthias Ernst
FieldPhysikalische Chemie
Lab. für Physikalische Chemie
ETH Zürich, HCI D 227
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 43 66
Fax+41 44 632 16 21
DepartmentChemistry and Applied Biosciences
RelationshipAdjunct Professor and Privatdozent

529-0014-00LAdvanced Magnetic Resonance - Relaxation Information 6 credits3GM. Ernst
AbstractThe course is for advanced students and covers relaxation theory in magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Learning objectiveThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with the theory behind relaxation phenomena in magnetic resonance. Starting from a theoretical description of magnetic resonance, Redfield theory will be developed and applications to liquid-state and solid-state NMR will be discussed. In the end, students should be able to read and understand research publications in the field of magnetic resonance relaxation.
ContentThe lecture will discuss Hamiltonian in Magnetic Resonance that are important for relaxation phenomena. Building on this, Redfield theory will be discussed and put into context with other relaxation theories used in Magnetic Resonance. To illustrate the working of Redfield theory, relaxation a simple two-spin model will be calculated in extensive detail. Building on this, selected topics from relaxation in liquids and solids are discussed so that at the end a reasonable overview of the field is given.
Prerequisite: A basic knowledge of NMR, e.g. as covered in the Lecture Physical Chemistry IV, or the book by Malcolm Levitt.
Lecture notesA script which covers the topics will be distributed in the lecture and will be accessible through the web page
LiteratureJ. Kowalewski, L. Mäler, Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Liquids, CRC Press, 2006.
J. McConnell, The Theory of Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in Liquids, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
529-0432-AALPhysical Chemistry IV: Magnetic Resonance
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
4 credits9RG. Jeschke, M. Ernst
AbstractTheoretical foundations of magnetic resonance (NMR,EPR) and selected applications.
Learning objectiveIntroduction to magnetic resonance in isotropic and anisotropic phase.
ContentThe course gives an introduction to magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR and EPR) in liquid, liquid crystalline and solid phase. It starts from a classical description in the framework of the Bloch equations. The implications of chemical exchange are studied and two-dimensional exchange spectroscopy is introduced. An introduction to Fourier spectroscopy in one and two dimensions is given and simple 'pulse trickery' is described. A quantum-mechanical description of magnetic resonance experiments is introduced and the spin Hamiltonian is derived. The chemical shift term as well as the scalar, dipolar and quadrupolar terms are discussed. The product-operator formalism is introduced and various experiments are described, e.g. polarization transfer. Applications in chemistry, biology, physics and medicine, e.g. determination of 3D molecular structure of dissolved molecules, determination of the structure of paramagnetic compounds and imaging (MRI) are presented.
Lecture noteshanded out in the lecture (in english)
529-0499-00LPhysical Chemistry0 credits1KG. Jeschke, A. Barnes, M. Ernst, P. H. Hünenberger, F. Merkt, M. Reiher, J. Richardson, R. Riek, S. Riniker, T. Schmidt, R. Signorell, H. J. Wörner
AbstractSeminar series covering current developments in Physical Chemistry
Learning objectiveDiscussing current developments in Physical Chemistry