Joachim M. Buhmann: Courses in Autumn Semester 2024

Name Prof. em. Dr. Joachim M. Buhmann
FieldComputer Science (Information Science and Engineering)
Institut für Maschinelles Lernen
ETH Zürich, OAT Y 13.2
Andreasstrasse 5
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 31 24
DepartmentComputer Science
RelationshipProfessor emeritus

252-0535-00LAdvanced Machine Learning Information 10 credits3V + 2U + 4A
252-0535-00 VAdvanced Machine Learning
Freitag 8-10 HG F7 mit Videoübertragung ins HG F5.
3 hrs
Thu15:15-16:00ETA F 5 »
Fri08:15-10:00HG F 5 »
08:15-10:00HG F 7 »
J. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez
252-0535-00 UAdvanced Machine Learning
Please attend only the tutorial assigned to you by the first letter of your surname. We do not attend requests to change tutorials.

Wed 14-16 - CAB G 61 → surname A-L
Fri 14-16 - CHN C 14 → surname M-Z

All tutorial sessions are identical.
2 hrs
Wed14:15-16:00CAB G 61 »
Fri14:15-16:00CHN C 14 »
J. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez
252-0535-00 AAdvanced Machine Learning
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
4 hrsJ. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez