Stephan Martin Scheuzger: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2023

Name PD Dr. Stephan Martin Scheuzger
FieldNewer and Newest History
Institut für Geschichte
ETH Zürich, RZ G 16.1
Clausiusstrasse 59
8092 Zürich
DepartmentHumanities, Social and Political Sciences

851-0518-00LTechniques of Modern Punishment – a Global History3 credits2VS. M. Scheuzger
AbstractThe course deals with the essential role of techniques in the developments of modern penal regimes in a global perspective, from the 18th century to present. The discussion focusses on confinement, from the individual cell to electronic tagging. Techniques of death penalty, corporal punishment, or forced labour in their social contexts, however, are subject of presentation as well.
Learning objectiveA) The students know central developments of modern punishment in their global entanglements. B) They are familiar with relevant penal techniques and their role in these developments. C) They are able to assess them in their social contexts.