Katharina Maniura: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2021

NameFrau Prof. Dr. Katharina Maniura
EMPA St.Gallen
Lerchenfeldstrasse 5
9014 St. Gallen
Telefon071 274 7447
DepartementGesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie

376-0303-00LColloquium in Translational Science (Autumn Semester)1 KP1KM. Ristow, A. Alimonti, N. Cesarovic, C. Ewald, V. Falk, J. Goldhahn, K. Maniura, R. M. Rossi, S. Schürle-Finke, G. Shivashankar, E. Vayena, V. Vogel
KurzbeschreibungCurrent topics in translational medicine presented by speakers from academia and industry.
LernzielGetting insight into actual areas and problems of translational medicine.
InhaltTimely and concise presentations of postgraduate students, post-docs, senior scientists, professors, as well as external guests from both academics and industry will present topics of their interest related to translational medicine.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesNo compulsory prerequisites, but student should have basic knowledge about biomedical research.
376-1714-AALBiocompatible Materials
Belegung ist NUR erlaubt für MSc Studierende, die diese Lerneinheit als Auflagenfach verfügt haben.

Alle anderen Studierenden (u.a. auch Mobilitätsstudierende, Doktorierende) können diese Lerneinheit NICHT belegen.
4 KP9RK. Maniura, M. Zenobi-Wong
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to molecules used for biomaterials, molecular interactions between different materials and biological systems (molecules, cells, tissues). The concept of biocompatibility is discussed and important techniques from biomaterials research and development are introduced.
LernzielThe course covers the follwing topics:
1. Introdcution into molecular characteristics of molecules involved in the materials-to-biology interface. Molecular design of biomaterials.
2. The concept of biocompatibility.
3. Introduction into methodology used in biomaterials research and application.
4. Introduction to different material classes in use for medical applications.
InhaltIntroduction into natural and polymeric biomaterials used for medical applications. The concepts of biocompatibility, biodegradation and the consequences of degradation products are discussed on the molecular level. Different classes of materials with respect to potential applications in tissue engineering, drug delivery and for medical devices are introduced. Strong focus lies on the molecular interactions between materials having very different bulk and/or surface chemistry with living cells, tissues and organs. In particular the interface between the materials surfaces and the eukaryotic cell surface and possible reactions of the cells with an implant material are elucidated. Techniques to design, produce and characterize materials in vitro as well as in vivo analysis of implanted and explanted materials are discussed.
A link between academic research and industrial entrepreneurship is demonstrated by external guest speakers, who present their current research topics.
SkriptHandouts are deposited online (moodle).
- Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Ratner B.D. et al, 3rd Edition, 2013
- Comprehensive Biomaterials, Ducheyne P. et al., 1st Edition, 2011

(available online via ETH library)

Handouts and references therin.
376-1714-00LBiocompatible Materials4 KP3VK. Maniura, M. Rottmar, M. Zenobi-Wong
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to molecules used for biomaterials, molecular interactions between different materials and biological systems (molecules, cells, tissues). The concept of biocompatibility is discussed and important techniques from biomaterials research and development are introduced.
LernzielThe course covers the follwing topics:
1. Introdcution into molecular characteristics of molecules involved in the materials-to-biology interface. Molecular design of biomaterials.
2. The concept of biocompatibility.
3. Introduction into methodology used in biomaterials research and application.
4. Introduction to different material classes in use for medical applications.
InhaltIntroduction into natural and polymeric biomaterials used for medical applications. The concepts of biocompatibility, biodegradation and the consequences of degradation products are discussed on the molecular level. Different classes of materials with respect to potential applications in tissue engineering, drug delivery and for medical devices are introduced. Strong focus lies on the molecular interactions between materials having very different bulk and/or surface chemistry with living cells, tissues and organs. In particular the interface between the materials surfaces and the eukaryotic cell surface and possible reactions of the cells with an implant material are elucidated. Techniques to design, produce and characterize materials in vitro as well as in vivo analysis of implanted and explanted materials are discussed.
A link between academic research and industrial entrepreneurship is demonstrated by external guest speakers, who present their current research topics.
SkriptHandouts are deposited online (moodle).
- Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Ratner B.D. et al, 3rd Edition, 2013
- Comprehensive Biomaterials, Ducheyne P. et al., 1st Edition, 2011

(available online via ETH library)

Handouts and references therin.