Pius Krütli: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2016 |
Name | Herr Dr. Pius Krütli |
Namensvarianten | Pius Krütli Pius Kruetli Pius Krutli |
Adresse | Dep. Umweltsystemwissenschaften ETH Zürich, CHN K 78 Universitätstrasse 16 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telefon | +41 44 632 63 24 |
Fax | +41 44 632 10 29 |
pius.kruetli@usys.ethz.ch | |
Departement | Umweltsystemwissenschaften |
Beziehung | Dozent |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
701-0007-00L | Umweltproblemlösen I Nur für Umweltnaturwissenschaften BSc. | 5 KP | 4G | C. E. Pohl, P. Krütli, B. B. Pearce | |
Kurzbeschreibung | In der Fallstudie analysieren wir jedes Jahr ein anderes Problem aus dem Nachhaltigkeitsbereich und entwickeln Lösungsvorschläge. | ||||
Lernziel | Die Studierendenden können: - zu einem gegebenen Thema ein umfassendes Falldossier erarbeiten, welches (a) den Stand des Wissens und (b) den Wissens- und Handlungsbedarf aufzeigt. - Wissen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven in einem qualitativen Systemmodell integrieren, Probleme innerhalb des Systems identifizieren und aus der Perspektive bestimmter Stakeholder Lösungsvorschläge entwickeln. - zu einer gegebenen Fragestellung eine Recherche durchführen, die Ergebnisse strukturiert darstellen, im Bezug auf die Fragestellung interpretieren, in einen Bericht fassen und präsentieren. - die verschiedenen Rollen in einer Gruppe benennen, erklären für welche sie besonders geeignet sind, sich in Gruppen organisieren, Probleme der Zusammenarbeit erkennen und diese konstruktiv angehen. | ||||
Inhalt | Das erste Semester dient dazu das vorhandenen Wissen zum Problem, seinen Ursachen und möglichen Lösungsansätzen zu sammeln. Dazu verfassen die Studierenden in Gruppen eine Recherche zu einem bestimmten Teilaspekt des Problems. Diese Recherche umfasst eine inhaltliche Analyse und eine Analyse der Stakeholder. Während der Semesterferien findet die Synthesewoche statt. In dieser Woche werden die Ergebnisse der verschiedenen Teilanalysen mittels eines qualitativen Systemmodels integriert. Im System werden einzelne Probleme identifiziert und Lösungsvorschläge entwickelt. Die Studierenden arbeiten die meiste Zeit selbständig in Gruppen. In zentralen Schritten werden sie von TutorInnen unterstützt. Speziell eingeführt werden die Studierenden in: - Das Thema der Fallstudie - Recherche, wissenschaftliches Schreiben und Literaturverwaltung (durch ExpertInnen der ETH Bibliothek), - Rollenverhalten und Zusammenarbeit in der Gruppe, - Verfassen von Berichten, Postern und Präsentationen, - Erstellen eines qualitativen Systemmodells (Systaim), - Entwickeln von Lösungsideen (design thinking, Checklands' soft systems methodology). | ||||
Skript | Das Falldossier wird von den Studierenden erarbeitet. | ||||
Literatur | Unterlagen zu den Methoden werden während der Fallstudie abgegeben, zusammen mit der entsprechenden Hintergrundliteratur. | ||||
701-1503-00L | CCES Winter School "Science Meets Practice" | 4 KP | 9A | C. Adler, P. Fry, P. Krütli, C. E. Pohl | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Increasingly, scientists need to interact more with people and institutions outside the scientific community. This requires the capability to understand and critically reflect about scientific activities and consequences for society and environment and to communicate with confidence. The CCES Winter School builds capacity to create and manage interactions between science and society. | ||||
Lernziel | 1. To acquire knowledge of key aspects of the interplay between science and practice 2. To reflect on and understand the role and consequences of scientific activity in relation to society and environment 3. To acquire skills and learn about a systematic application of methods to create and manage interactions between science and society | ||||
Inhalt | *** Please note that the correct dates for the CCES Winter School 2017 are 9-12 January and 6-9 February, 2017 *** The CCES Winter School provides insights into theoretical and methodological foundations on the challenges of knowledge exchange and dialogue between science and practice. It offers media and knowledge management training for enhancing stakeholder involvement. Selected case examples support group work discussions and analysis. Real stakeholder meetings are organized for testing techniques in view of identifying diverse expectations and needs and working towards solutions. Together the Winter School participants and stakeholders experience and develop ways for better linking environmental science and practice. The course is structured by an intimate interconnection between theoretical inputs, reflection and translation into own topics and projects. The course offers insights into a wide spectrum of crossing boundaries between science and practice (e.g. information, consultation, co-production of knowledge) and provides test fields for and room for reflection of own experiences. The first block with inputs, individual and group work, and reflection is a preparation for the second block, which focuses on implementation of stakeholder interactions. Between the two blocks coached project work is offered. The CCES Winter School takes place at Propstei Wislikofen in January and February 2017. Accommodation is provided. | ||||
Skript | Course materials (e.g. slides, articles, toolboxes) are provided for preparatory reading and during the course (in Moodle). | ||||
Literatur | Collection of key literature in online reader in Moodle. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | *** Please note that the correct dates for the CCES Winter School 2017 are 9-12 January and 6-9 February, 2017 *** The CCES Winter School addresses PhD students and postdocs from environmental and natural sciences, engineering, and social sciences related to sustainable development. Participants are required to apply online providing key information about their interest and PhD project - details and application form can be found here: http://www.cces.ethz.ch/winterschool/ The Winter School runs with a maximum of 25 participants. The Winter School 2017 will be delivered by a diverse group of coaches and experienced intermediaries: - Carolina Adler (USYS TdLab, ETH Zurich) - Pius Krütli (USYS TdLab, ETH Zurich) - Christian Pohl (USYS TdLab, ETH Zürich) - Patricia Fry (Wissensmanagement Umwelt GmbH) - Christoph Clases (AOC Unternehmensberatung) The total time requirement is in the range of 120 hours, equivalent to 4 ECTS. The learning control focuses on i) active participation, engagement in case examples, and reflection against the background of own projects and experiences, 2) active team involvement in implementing tasks on information, consultation, and co-production of knowledge, including the design and organization of stakeholder meetings. The course is successfully completed by pass (pass/no pass, thus no marks). The language of the Winter School is English. Stakeholder meetings will be in the local language (Swiss German) and translation into English is provided. There is a participation fee of 400 CHF for the course, which is a contribution to the costs for the two blocks at the seminar venue Propstei Wislikofen, organizational support as well as material for the stakeholder meetings. Travel expenses to the venue are to be borne by the participants. | ||||
701-1543-00L | Transdisciplinary Methods and Applications | 3 KP | 2G | P. Krütli, M. Stauffacher | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The course deals with transdisciplinary (td) methods, concepts and their applications in the context of case studies and other problem oriented research projects. Td methods are used in research at the science-society interface and when collaborating across scientific disciplines. Students learn to apply methods within a functional framework. The format of the course is seminar-like, interactive. | ||||
Lernziel | At the end of the course students should: Know: -Function, purpose and algorithm of a selected number of transdisciplinary methods Understand: -Functional application in case studies and other problem oriented projects Be able to reflect on: -Potential, limits, and necessity of transdisciplinary methods Be prepared for: -Transdisciplinary Case Study 2017 | ||||
Inhalt | The lecture is structured as follows: - Overview of concepts and methods of inter-/transdisciplinary integration of knowledge, values and interests (approx. 20%) - Analysis of a selected number of transdisciplinary methods focusing problem framing, problem analysis, and impact (approx. 50%) - Practical application of the methods in a broader project setting (approx. 30%) | ||||
Skript | Handouts are provided by the lecturers | ||||
Literatur | Selected scientific articles and book-chapters | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | This course is recommended and helpful for students participating in the Transdisciplinary Case Study 2017. | ||||
701-1551-00L | Sustainability Assessment | 3 KP | 2G | P. Krütli, C. E. Pohl | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The course deals with the concepts and methodologies for the analysis and assessment of sustainable development. A special focus is given to the social dimension and to social justice as a guiding principle of sustainability as well as to trade-offs between the three dimensions of sustainability. The course is seminar-like, interactive. | ||||
Lernziel | At the end oft he course students should Know: - core concepts of sustainable development, and; - the concept of social justice - normatively and empirically - as a core element of social sustainability; - important empirical methods for the analysis and assessment of local / regional sustainability issues. Understand and reflect on: - the challenges of trade-offs between the different goals of sustainable development; - and the respective impacts on individual and societal decision-making. | ||||
Inhalt | The course is structured as follows: - Overview of rationale, objectives, concepts and origins of sustainable development; - Importance and application of sustainability in science, politics, society, and economy; - Sustainable (local / regional) development in different national / international contexts; - Analysis and evaluation methods of sustainable development with a focus on social justice; - Trade-offs in selected examples. | ||||
Skript | Handouts. | ||||
Literatur | Selected scientific articles & book chapters |