Felix Friedrich Wicker: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021 |
Name | Dr. Felix Friedrich Wicker |
Address | Dep. Informatik ETH Zürich, CAB H 33.3 Universitätstrasse 6 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telephone | +41 44 632 83 12 |
felix.friedrich@inf.ethz.ch | |
Department | Computer Science |
Relationship | Lecturer |
Number | Title | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
252-0002-AAL | Data Structures and Algorithms ![]() Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement. Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit. | 8 credits | 15R | F. Friedrich Wicker | |
Abstract | The course provides the foundations for the design and analysis of algorithms. Classical problems ranging from sorting up to problems on graphs are used to discuss common data structures, algorithms and algorithm design paradigms. The course also comprises an introduction to parallel and concurrent programming and the programming model of C++ is discussed in some depth. | ||||
Learning objective | An understanding of the analysis and design of fundamental and common algorithms and data structures. Deeper insight into a modern programming model by means of the programming language C++. Knowledge regarding chances, problems and limits of parallel and concurrent programming. | ||||
Content | Data structures and algorithms: mathematical tools for the analysis of algorithms (asymptotic function growth, recurrence equations, recurrence trees), informal proofs of algorithm correctness (invariants and code transformation), design paradigms for the development of algorithms (induction, divide-and-conquer, backtracking and dynamic programming), classical algorithmic problems (searching, selection and sorting), data structures for different purposes (linked lists, hash tables, balanced search trees, quad trees, heaps, union-find), further tools for runtime analysis (generating functions, amortized analysis. The relationship and tight coupling between algorithms and data structures is illustrated with graph algorithms (traversals, topological sort, closure, shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, max flow). Programming model of C++: correct and efficient memory handling, generic programming with templates, exception handling, functional approaches with functors and lambda expressions. Parallel programming: structure of parallel architectures (multicore, vectorization, pipelining) concepts of parallel programming (Amdahl's and Gustavson's laws, task/data parallelism, scheduling), problems of concurrency (data races, bad interleavings, memory reordering), process synchronisation and communication in a shared memory system (mutual exclusion, semaphores, monitors, condition variables), progress conditions (freedom from deadlock, starvation, lock- and wait-freedom). The concepts are underpinned with examples of concurrent and parallel programs and with parallel algorithms, implemented in C++. In general, the concepts provided in the course are motivated and illustrated with practically relevant algorithms and applications. Exercises are carried out in Code-Expert, an online IDE and exercise management system. All required mathematical tools above high school level are covered, including a basic introduction to graph theory. | ||||
Literature | Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd ed., MIT Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-262-03384-8 (recommended text) B. Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition) Addison-Wesley, 2013. Maurice Herlihy, Nir Shavit, The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, Elsevier, 2012. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Prerequisites: Lecture Series 252-0856-00L Computer Science or equivalent knowledge in programming with C++. Please note that this is a self study (virtual) course, which implies that (in the autumn semester) there are no physical lectures or exercise sessions offered. If you want to attend the real course, please go to 252-0002-00L in the spring semester. | ||||
252-0002-00L | Data Structures and Algorithms ![]() | 8 credits | 4V + 2U | F. Friedrich Wicker | |
Abstract | The course provides the foundations for the design and analysis of algorithms. Classical problems ranging from sorting up to problems on graphs are used to discuss common data structures, algorithms and algorithm design paradigms. The course also comprises an introduction to parallel and concurrent programming and the programming model of C++ is discussed in some depth. | ||||
Learning objective | An understanding of the analysis and design of fundamental and common algorithms and data structures. Deeper insight into a modern programming model by means of the programming language C++. Knowledge regarding chances, problems and limits of parallel and concurrent programming. | ||||
Content | Data structures and algorithms: mathematical tools for the analysis of algorithms (asymptotic function growth, recurrence equations, recurrence trees), informal proofs of algorithm correctness (invariants and code transformation), design paradigms for the development of algorithms (induction, divide-and-conquer, backtracking and dynamic programming), classical algorithmic problems (searching, selection and sorting), data structures for different purposes (linked lists, hash tables, balanced search trees, quad trees, heaps, union-find), further tools for runtime analysis (generating functions, amortized analysis. The relationship and tight coupling between algorithms and data structures is illustrated with graph algorithms (traversals, topological sort, closure, shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, max flow). Programming model of C++: correct and efficient memory handling, generic programming with templates, exception handling, functional approaches with functors and lambda expressions. Parallel programming: structure of parallel architectures (multicore, vectorization, pipelining) concepts of parallel programming (Amdahl's and Gustavson's laws, task/data parallelism, scheduling), problems of concurrency (data races, bad interleavings, memory reordering), process synchronisation and communication in a shared memory system (mutual exclusion, semaphores, monitors, condition variables), progress conditions (freedom from deadlock, starvation, lock- and wait-freedom). The concepts are underpinned with examples of concurrent and parallel programs and with parallel algorithms, implemented in C++. In general, the concepts provided in the course are motivated and illustrated with practically relevant algorithms and applications. Exercises are carried out in Code-Expert, an online IDE and exercise management system. All required mathematical tools above high school level are covered, including a basic introduction to graph theory. | ||||
Literature | Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd ed., MIT Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-262-03384-8 (recommended text) Maurice Herlihy, Nir Shavit, The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, Elsevier, 2012. B. Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition) Addison-Wesley, 2013. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Prerequisites: Lecture Series 252-0835-00L Informatik I or equivalent knowledge in programming with C++. | ||||
252-0232-AAL | Software Engineering Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement. Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit. | 6 credits | 13R | F. Friedrich Wicker, M. Schwerhoff | |
Abstract | This course introduces both theoretical and applied aspects of software engineering. It covers: - Software Architecture - Informal and formal Modeling - Design Patterns - Software Engineering Principles - Code Refactoring - Program Testing | ||||
Learning objective | The course has two main objectives: - Obtain an end-to-end (both, theoretical and practical) understanding of the core techniques used for building quality software. - Be able to apply these techniques in practice. | ||||
Content | While the lecture will provide the theoretical foundations for the various aspects of software engineering, the students will apply those techniques in project work that will span over the whole semester - involving all aspects of software engineering, from understanding requirements over design and implementation to deployment and change requests. | ||||
Literature | Will be announced in the lecture | ||||
252-0232-00L | Software Engineering ![]() | 6 credits | 2V + 1U | F. Friedrich Wicker, M. Schwerhoff | |
Abstract | This course introduces both theoretical and applied aspects of software engineering. It covers: - Software Architecture - Informal and formal Modeling - Design Patterns - Software Engineering Principles - Code Refactoring - Program Testing | ||||
Learning objective | The course has two main objectives: - Obtain an end-to-end (both, theoretical and practical) understanding of the core techniques used for building quality software. - Be able to apply these techniques in practice. | ||||
Content | While the lecture will provide the theoretical foundations for the various aspects of software engineering, the students will apply those techniques in project work that will span over the whole semester - involving all aspects of software engineering, from understanding requirements over design and implementation to deployment and change requests. | ||||
Lecture notes | no lecture notes | ||||
Literature | Will be announced in the lecture | ||||
252-0846-AAL | Computer Science II ![]() Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement. Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit. | 4 credits | 9R | F. Friedrich Wicker, R. Sasse | |
Abstract | This course provides the foundations of programming and working with data. Computer Science II particularly stresses code efficiency and provides the basis for understanding, design, and analysis of algorithms and data structures. In terms of working with data, foundations required for understanding experimental data and notation and basic concepts for machine learning are covered. | ||||
Learning objective | Based on the knowledge covered by the lecture Computer Science I, the primary educational objective of this course is the constructive knowledge of data structures and algorithms. After successfully attending the course, students have a good command of the mechanisms to construct a program in Python and to work with multidimensional data using Python libraries. Students particularly understand how an algorithmic problem can be solved with a sufficiently efficient computer program. Secondary educational objectives are formal thinking, the power of abstraction, and appropriate modeling capabilities. | ||||
Content | Introduction of Python: from Java to Python, advanced concepts and built-in data structures in Python; parsing data, operating on data using Numpy and visualization using Matplotlib; linear regression, classification and (k-means) clustering, mathematical tools for the analysis of algorithms (asymptotic function growth, recurrence equations, recurrence trees), classical algorithmic problems (searching, selection and sorting), design paradigms for the development of algorithms (divide-and-conquer and dynamic programming), data structures for different purposes (linked lists, trees, heaps, hash-tables). The relationship and tight coupling between algorithms and data structures is illustrated with graph algorithms (traversals, topological sort, closure, shortest paths). In general, the concepts provided in the course are motivated and illustrated with practically relevant algorithms and applications. Exercises are carried out in Code-Expert, an online IDE and exercise management system. Programming language used in this course is Python. | ||||
Lecture notes | The slides will be available for download on the course home page. | ||||
Literature | T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms , 3rd ed., MIT Press, 2009 | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Preliminaries: course 252-0845 Computer Science or equivalent knowledge in programming. | ||||
252-0846-00L | Computer Science II ![]() | 4 credits | 2V + 2U | F. Friedrich Wicker, R. Sasse | |
Abstract | This course provides the foundations of programming and working with data. Computer Science II particularly stresses code efficiency and provides the basis for understanding, design, and analysis of algorithms and data structures. In terms of working with data, foundations required for understanding experimental data and notation and basic concepts for machine learning are covered. | ||||
Learning objective | Based on the knowledge covered by the lecture Computer Science I, the primary educational objective of this course is the constructive knowledge of data structures and algorithms. After successfully attending the course, students have a good command of the mechanisms to construct a program in Python and to work with multidimensional data using Python libraries. Students particularly understand how an algorithmic problem can be solved with a sufficiently efficient computer program. Secondary educational objectives are formal thinking, the power of abstraction, and appropriate modeling capabilities. | ||||
Content | Introduction of Python: from Java to Python, advanced concepts and built-in data structures in Python; parsing data, operating on data using Numpy and visualization using Matplotlib; linear regression, classification and (k-means) clustering, mathematical tools for the analysis of algorithms (asymptotic function growth, recurrence equations, recurrence trees), classical algorithmic problems (searching, selection and sorting), design paradigms for the development of algorithms (divide-and-conquer and dynamic programming), data structures for different purposes (linked lists, trees, heaps, hash-tables). The relationship and tight coupling between algorithms and data structures is illustrated with graph algorithms (traversals, topological sort, closure, shortest paths). In general, the concepts provided in the course are motivated and illustrated with practically relevant algorithms and applications. Exercises are carried out in Code-Expert, an online IDE and exercise management system. Programming language used in this course is Python. | ||||
Lecture notes | The slides will be available for download on the course home page. | ||||
Literature | T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms , 3rd ed., MIT Press, 2009 | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Preliminaries: course 252-0845 Computer Science or equivalent knowledge in programming. All required mathematical tools above high school level are covered, including a basic introduction to graph theory. | ||||
252-0856-AAL | Computer Science ![]() Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement. Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit. | 4 credits | 9R | F. Friedrich Wicker, M. Schwerhoff | |
Abstract | The course covers the fundamental concepts of computer programming with a focus on systematic algorithmic problem solving. Taught language is C++. No programming experience is required. | ||||
Learning objective | Primary educational objective is to learn programming with C++. After having successfully attended the course, students have a good command of the mechanisms to construct a program. They know the fundamental control and data structures and understand how an algorithmic problem is mapped to a computer program. They have an idea of what happens "behind the scenes" when a program is translated and executed. Secondary goals are an algorithmic computational thinking, understanding the possibilities and limits of programming and to impart the way of thinking like a computer scientist. | ||||
Content | The course covers fundamental data types, expressions and statements, (limits of) computer arithmetic, control statements, functions, arrays, structural types and pointers. The part on object orientation deals with classes, inheritance and polymorphism; simple dynamic data types are introduced as examples. In general, the concepts provided in the course are motivated and illustrated with algorithms and applications. | ||||
Lecture notes | English lecture notes will be provided during the semester. The lecture notes and the lecture slides will be made available for download on the course web page. Exercises are solved and submitted online. | ||||
Literature | Bjarne Stroustrup: Einführung in die Programmierung mit C++, Pearson Studium, 2010 Stephen Prata, C++ Primer Plus, Sixth Edition, Addison Wesley, 2012 Andrew Koenig and Barbara E. Moo: Accelerated C++, Addison-Wesley, 2000 | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | This virtual self-study course is also offered physically in the autumn semester. We recommend to visit the classes of the course 252-0856-00L (or that of the equivalent course 252-0847-00L). While the classes are only offered in German, there are English spoken Exercises. All exercises and exams are offered bilingual (German and English). |