Frank Ernst: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2012

Name Dr. Frank Ernst
DepartmentMechanical and Process Engineering

151-0293-00LCombustion and Reactive Processes in Energy and Materials Technology4 credits2V + 1U + 1AK. Boulouchos, F.  Ernst, S. E. Pratsinis, Y. Wright
AbstractThe students should become familiar with the fundamentals and with application examples of chemically reactive processes in energy conversion (combustion engines in particular) as well as the synthesis of new materials.
Learning objectiveThe students should become familiar with the fundamentals and with application examples of chemically reactive processes in energy conversion (combustion engines in particular) as well as the synthesis of new materials. The lecture is part of the focus "Energy, Flows & Processes" on the Bachelor level and is recommended as a basis for a future Master in the area of energy. It is also a facultative lecture on Master level in Energy Science and Technology and Process Engineering.
ContentReaction kinetics, fuel oxidation mechanisms, premixed and diffusion laminar flames, two-phase-flows, turbulence and turbulent combustion, pollutant formation, applications in combustion engines. Synthesis of materials in flame processes: particles, pigments and nanoparticles. Fundamentals of design and optimization of flame reactors, effect of reactant mixing on product characteristics. Tailoring of products made in flame spray pyrolysis.
Lecture notesLecture material will be provided
LiteratureI. Glassman, Combustion, 3rd edition, Academic Press, 1996.

J. Warnatz, U. Maas, R.W. Dibble, Verbrennung, Springer-Verlag, 1997.