Stefan Mangold: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019

Name Dr. Stefan Mangold
Lehre D-INFK
ETH Zürich, CAB E 63
Universitätstrasse 6
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 83 11
DepartmentComputer Science

252-0293-00LWireless Networking and Mobile Computing Information 4 credits2V + 1US. Mangold
AbstractThis course gives a detailed overview about the wireless and mobile standards and summarizes the state of the art for Wi-Fi 802.11, Cellular 5G, and Internet-of-Things, including new topics such audio communication, cognitive radio, and visible light communications. The course combines lectures with a set of assignments in which students are asked to work with a simple JAVA simulation software.
Learning objectiveThe objective of the course is to learn about the general principles of wireless communications, including physics, frequency spectrum regulation, and standards. Further, the most up-to-date standards and protocols used for wireless LAN IEEE 802.11, Wi-Fi, Internet-of-Things, sensor networks, cellular networks, visible light communication, and cognitive radios, are analyzed and evaluated. Students develop their own add-on mobile computing algorithms to improve the behavior of the systems, using a Java-based event-driven simulator. We also hand out embedded systems that can be used for experiments for optical communication.
ContentWireless Communication, Wi-Fi, Internet-of-Things, 5G, Standards, Regulation, Algorithms, Radio Spectrum, Cognitive Radio, Mesh Networks, Optical Communication, Visible Light Communication
Lecture notesThe script will be made available from the course webpage.
Literature(1) The course webpage (look for Stefan Mangold's site)
(2) The Java 802 protocol emulator "JEmula802" from
(3) WALKE, B. AND MANGOLD, S. AND BERLEMANN, L. (2006) IEEE 802 Wireless Systems Protocols, Multi-Hop Mesh/Relaying, Performance and Spectrum Coexistence. New York U.S.A.: John Wiley & Sons. Nov 2006.
(4) BERLEMANN, L. AND MANGOLD, S. (2009) Cognitive Radio for Dynamic Spectrum Access . New York U.S.A.: John Wiley & Sons. Jan 2009.
(5) MANGOLD, S. ET.AL. (2003) Analysis of IEEE 802.11e for QoS Support in Wireless LANs. IEEE Wireless Communications, vol 10 (6), 40-50.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents should have interest in wireless communication, and should be familiar with Java programming.