Kristopher McNeill: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2021

Auszeichnung: Die Goldene Eule
NameHerr Prof. Dr. Kristopher McNeill
Organische Umweltchemie
ETH Zürich, CHN F 31.2
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich
BeziehungOrdentlicher Professor

701-0201-00LIntroduction to Environmental Organic Chemistry3 KP2GM. Sander, K. McNeill
KurzbeschreibungWichtige organische Umweltschadstoffe werden vorgestellt. Die für das Verständnis des Umweltverhaltens solcher Schadstoffe benötigten physikalisch-chemischen Grundlagen werden vermittelt und in Übungen vertieft.
LernzielDie Studierenden können
- die wichtigsten Klassen von umweltrelevanten anthropogenen Chemikalien nennen und erkennen.
- die wichtigsten Prozesse, die das Umweltverhalten organischer Schadstoffe bestimmen, auf Basis physikalisch-chemischen Grundlagen erklären.
- experimentelle Methoden zur Bestimmung substanzspezifischer Eigenschaften vorschlagen.
- aufgrund der chemischen Struktur die für das Umweltverhalten einer Verbindung relevanten Prozesse identifizieren
- publizierte Arbeiten und Daten kritisch beurteilen
Inhalt- Überblick über die wichtigsten Klassen von umweltrelevanten organischen Schadstoffen
- Molekulare Interaktionen welche das Verteilungsverhalten (Adsorption- und Absorptionsprozesse) von organischen Verbindungen zwischen verschiedenen Umweltphasen (gas, flüssig, fest) bestimmen
- Physikalisch-chemische Eigenschaften (Dampfdruck, Wasserlöslichkeit, Luft-Wasser-Verteilungskonstante, org. Lösemittel-Wasser-Verteilungskonstanten, etc.) und Verteilungsverhalten von organischen Verbindungen zwischen umweltrelevanten Phasen (Luft, Aerosole, Boden, Wasser, Pflanzen)
- Chemische Transformationsreaktionen von organischen Schadstoffen in aquatischen und terrestrischen Systemen (Reaktion mit Nukleophilen, inkl. Hydrolyse, Elimination, Addition)
SkriptEs wird ein Skript abgegeben
LiteraturSchwarzenbach, R.P., P.M. Gschwend, and D.M. Imboden.
Environmental Organic Chemistry. 2nd Ed. Wiley, New York, 1313 pp. (2003)

Goss, K.U. and Schwarzenbach, R.P. (2003). "Rules of thumb for assessing equilibrium partitioning of organic compounds-success and pitfalls", Journal of Chemical Education, 80, 4, 450-455.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesDie Lehrveranstaltung richtet sich nicht nur an jene Studierenden, welche sich später chemisch vertiefen wollen, sondern ausdrücklich auch an alle jene, welche sich mit der Problematik von organischen Schadstoffen in der Umwelt vertraut machen wollen, um dieses Wissen in anderen Vertiefungen anzuwenden
701-0225-00LOrganic Chemistry2 KP2V + 1UK. McNeill
KurzbeschreibungGrundlagen der Organischen Chemie.
Grundlegende Reaktionemechanismen in der Organischen Chemie werden vertieft behandelt:
Substitutionen, Additionen, Eliminationen, Kondensationen, Umlagerungen, Elektrophile aromatische Substitution, und NMR-Spektroskopie.
LernzielDieser Kurs baut auf die Grundkurse Chemie I und II auf.

Die grundlegenden Reaktionsmechanismen in der organischen Chemie sind den Studierenden bekannt.
Sie sind in der Lage, einfachere organische Reaktionen zu verstehen und zu formulieren.
InhaltFunktionelle Gruppe: Halogenalkan, Alken, aromatische Systeme, Carbonyl)
Reaktionsmechanismen (Substitutionen, Additionen, Eliminationen, Kondensationen)
LiteraturCarsten Schmuck, Basisbuch Organische Chemie, Pearson
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesDer Stoff der Basischemie wird vorausgesetzt.
701-1302-00LTerm Paper 2: Seminar Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Prerequisite: Term Paper 1: Writing (701-1303-00L).

Only for Environmental Sciences MSc and Science, Technology and Policy MSc.
2 KP1SL. Winkel, M. Ackermann, N. Casacuberta Arola, K. Deiner, N. Gruber, J. Hering, R. Kipfer, R. Kretzschmar, K. McNeill, D. Mitrano, A. N'Guyen van Chinh, M. Sander, M. H. Schroth, C. Schubert
KurzbeschreibungThis class is the 2nd part of a series and participation is conditional on the successful completion of "Term Paper 1: Writing". The results from the term paper written during the previous term are presented to the other students and advisors and discussed with the audience.
LernzielThe goal of the term paper seminars is to train the student's ability to communicate (scientific) results to a wider audience and the ability to respond to questions and comments.
InhaltEach student presents the results of their term paper to fellow students and advisors and responds to questions and comments from the audience.
SkriptGuidelines and supplementary material are distributed on the Moodle platform.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThere is no final exam. Grade is assigned based on the quality of the presentation and ensuing discussion.

To obtain the credits, it is mandatory to attend at least 60% of all seminar dates offered in the fall and spring semester. Active participation in discussion and feedback rounds is expected.
701-1303-00LTerm Paper 1: Writing Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for Environmental Sciences MSc and Science, Technology and Policy MSc.
5 KP6AL. Winkel, M. Ackermann, N. Casacuberta Arola, K. Deiner, N. Gruber, J. Hering, R. Kipfer, R. Kretzschmar, M. Lever, K. McNeill, D. Mitrano, A. N'Guyen van Chinh, M. Sander, M. H. Schroth, C. Schubert
KurzbeschreibungThe ability to critically evaluate original (scientific) literature and to summarise the information in a succinct manner is an important skill for any student. This course aims to practice this ability, requiring each student to write a term paper of scientific quality on a topic of relevance for research in the areas of biogeochemistry and pollutant dynamics.
LernzielThe goal of the term paper is to train the student's ability to critically evaluate scientific literature and to summarise the findings concisely in a paper addressing a research question.

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- narrow down a research question.
- identify relevant literature to address the research question.
- concisely summarise and critically evaluate their findings.
- formulate key outstanding questions.
InhaltEach student is expected to write a paper with a length of approximately 15-20 pages. The students can choose from a list of topics prepared by the tutors, but the final topic will be determined based on a balance of choice and availability. The students will be guided and advised by their tutors throughout the term.

The paper itself should contain the following elements:
- Motivation and context of the given topic (25%)
- Concise presentation and critical evaluation of the state of the science (50%)
- Identification of open questions and perhaps opportunities for further research (25%)

In addition, the accurate use of citations, attribution of ideas, and the judicious use of figures, tables, equations and references are critical components of a successful paper. Specialised knowledge is not expected, nor required; neither is new research.
SkriptGuidelines and supplementary material are distributed on the Moodle platform.
LiteraturOriginal scientific literature will be identified based on the chosen topic.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPlease enrol latest until the first week of the semester. Contact termpaper(at) if you don't yet have access to MyStudies.

The term paper course is primarily aimed at master students majoring in biogeochemistry & pollutant dynamics and ISTP students with a solid background in natural sciences and a strong interest in biogeochemistry & pollutant dynamics.

Each student submits a term paper that will be reviewed by one fellow student and one faculty. The submission of the term paper and a written review of another student's term paper are a condition for obtaining the credit points.

There is no final exam. The grade is assigned based on the quality of the term paper and the submitted review as well as on the presentation in the following term.

Results from the term paper will be presented to fellow students and involved faculty in the following semester ("Term Paper 2: Seminar").
701-1701-00LHuman Health, Nutrition and Environment: Term Paper Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for students of the Major Human Health, Nutrition and Environment.
6 KP13AJ. Nuessli Guth, T. Julian, K. McNeill, M. B. Zimmermann
KurzbeschreibungWriting of a review paper of scientific quality on a topic in the domain of Human Health, Nutrition and Environment based on critical evaluation of scientific literature.
Lernziel- Acquisition of knowledge in the field of the review paper
- Assessment of original literature as well as synthesis and analysis of the findings
- Practising of academic writing in English
- Giving an oral presentation with discussion on the topic of the review paper
InhaltTopics are offered in the domains of the major 'Human Health, Nutrition and Environment' covering 'Public Health', 'Infectious Diseases', 'Nutrition and Health' and 'Environment and Health'.
SkriptGuidelines will be handed out in the beginning.
LiteraturLiterature will be identified based on the topic chosen.