Hans Jakob Wörner: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2023

Name Prof. Dr. Hans Jakob Wörner
FieldPhysical Chemistry
Lab. für Physikalische Chemie
ETH Zürich, HCI E 237
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 44 12
DepartmentChemistry and Applied Biosciences
RelationshipFull Professor

402-0551-00LLaser Seminar0 credits1SJ. Faist, J. Home, A. Imamoglu, U. Keller, F. Merkt, H. J. Wörner
AbstractResearch colloquium
Learning objective
529-0434-00LPhysical Chemistry V: Spectroscopy Information 4 credits3GH. J. Wörner
Abstractthermal radiation and Planck's law; transition probabilities, rate equations;
atomic structure and spectra
electronic, vibrational, and rotational spectroscopy of molecules
symmetry, group theory, and selection rules
Learning objectiveWhen you successfully finished this course, you are able to analyze and interpret electronic spectra of atoms and rotational, vibrational as well as electronic spectra of molecules.

In particular, you will be able
* to determine the term symbols of the states of atoms, as well as diatomic and polyatomic molecules
* to explain the theoretical steps that are needed to separate the motions of nuclei and electrons (Born-Oppenheimer approximation) as well as rotations and vibrations of the nuclear motion (normal-mode approximation),
* to use group theory as tool in spectroscopy, e.g. to classify rotational modes according to symmetry and predict their spectroscopic activity, to construct symmetry-adapted molecular orbitals, and to use the symmetry of states to derive selection rules of molecules,
* to use a quantum-mechanical picture to explain intensities of vibrational progressions of an electronic spectrum (Franck-Condon factors), and
* to determine selection rules for spectroscopic transitions based on a qualitative evaluation of the dipole matrix element.
thermal radiation, Planck's law
transition probabilities
rate equations
Einstein coefficients and lasers

Atomic and molecular spectroscopy:
tools to evaluate the transition matrix elements which describe atomic and molecular spectra quantum-mechanically, in particular
- selection rules and symmetry/group theory
: separation of electrons and nuclei (Born-Oppenheimer approximation)
- separation of vibrations and rotations (normal mode approximation)
and how to use these tools to understand and predict spectra qualitatively
Lecture notesis available on the lecture website
529-0479-00LTheoretical Chemistry, Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics1 credit2SF. Merkt, M. Reiher, J. Richardson, R. Signorell, H. J. Wörner
AbstractSeminar on theoretical chemistry, molecular spectroscopy and dynamics (research seminar)
Learning objectiveSeminar on theoretical chemistry, molecular spectroscopy and dynamics (research seminar)
529-0499-00LPhysical Chemistry0 credits1KG. Jeschke, A. Barnes, M. Ernst, P. H. Hünenberger, F. Merkt, M. Reiher, J. Richardson, R. Riek, S. Riniker, T. Schmidt, R. Signorell, H. J. Wörner
AbstractSeminar series covering current developments in Physical Chemistry
Learning objectiveDiscussing current developments in Physical Chemistry