Stefano Brusoni: Courses in Autumn Semester 2024

Name Prof. Dr. Stefano Brusoni
FieldManagement of Technology and Innovation
Professur Technol.&Innovationsmgmt
ETH Zürich, WEV J 413
Weinbergstr. 56/58
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 04 52
DepartmentManagement, Technology, and Economics
RelationshipFull Professor

363-0389-00LTechnology and Innovation Management3 credits2G
363-0389-00 GTechnology and Innovation Management
The lecture will take place in presence and will be recorded.
2 hrs
Mon14:15-16:00NO C 60 »
S. Brusoni, A. Zeijen
363-1028-00LEntrepreneurial Leadership Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.

Students apply for this course via the official website no later than 18.08.2024 (
Once your application is confirmed, registration in myStudies is possible.
4 credits3S
363-1028-00 SEntrepreneurial Leadership Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Irregular lecture (Wednesdays between 10:15-13:00 - some sessions are reserved for group work and there will not be any coaching on those days)
45s hrs
18.09.10:15-13:00WEV H 326 »
25.09.09:00-16:00Ex te rn »
02.10.10:15-13:00WEV H 326 »
09.10.10:15-13:00WEV F 109 »
16.10.10:15-13:00WEV H 326 »
23.10.10:15-13:00WEV H 326 »
30.10.10:15-13:00WEV H 326 »
06.11.10:15-13:00WEV H 326 »
13.11.10:15-13:00WEV F 109 »
20.11.10:15-13:00WEV H 326 »
27.11.10:15-13:00WEV H 326 »
04.12.09:00-16:00Ex te rn »
11.12.10:15-13:00WEV J 414 »
Z. Erden Özkol, S. Brusoni, O. von Dzengelevski, G. von Krogh
364-1058-00LRisk Center Seminar Series0 credits2S
364-1058-00 SRisk Center Seminar Series2 hrs
Tue12:15-14:00HG D 3.2 »
H. Schernberg, D. Basin, A. Bommier, D. N. Bresch, S. Brusoni, L.‑E. Cederman, P. Cheridito, F. Corman, H. Gersbach, C. Hölscher, K. Paterson, G. Sansavini, B. Stojadinovic, B. Sudret, J. Teichmann, R. Wattenhofer, S. Wiemer, R. Zenklusen
364-1110-00LFoundations of Innovation Studies3 credits2G
364-1110-00 GFoundations of Innovation Studies
Does not take place this semester.
Irregular lecture
24s hrsS. Brusoni
367-0020-00LBusiness Model Innovation for Social Impact Restricted registration - show details
The enrolment takes place via HSG.
7.5 credits4G
367-0020-00 GBusiness Model Innovation for Social Impact Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.51s hrs
25.11. - 28.11.08:15-18:00WEV F 109 »
08:15-18:00WEV F 110 »
08:15-18:00WEV F 111 »
29.11.08:15-18:00RZ D 8 »
S. Brusoni