Richard Kralovic: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2023

Name Dr. Richard Kralovic
Professur Algorithmen und Didaktik
ETH Zürich, CAB F 13.1
Universitätstrasse 6
8092 Zürich
DepartmentComputer Science

252-4910-00LApproximation Algorithms Information Restricted registration - show details
The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.
2 credits2SH.‑J. Böckenhauer, R. Kralovic
AbstractWe look into approximation algorithms for computationally hard discrete optimization problems. Their quality is measured by the approximation ratio, i.e., the worst-case ratio between the quality of the computed solution and an optimal one, depending on the input size. We explore different techniques for the design and analysis of approximation algorithms and the limits of this approach.
Learning objectiveTo systematically acquire an overview of the methods for the design and analysis of approxmation algorithms. To get deeper knowledge of the classification of optimization problems according to their approximability. To learn how to analyze the approximation ratio of approximation algorithms.To learn about the limits of the approximation approach.
ContentIn this seminar, we discuss how approximation can help to compute satisfactory solutions for computationally hard optimization problems. In the kick-off meeting, we will give a brief overview of modeling and classifying approximation algorithms.

Then, each participant will study one aspect of this topic, following a specific scientific publication, and will give a presentation about this topic. The topics will include design methods for approximation algorithms like greedy strategies, dynamic programming, or LP-based techniques as well as the classification of optimization problems according to their approximability. The considered problems will be well-known optimization tasks like satisfiability problems, routing problems, packing problems, etc.
LiteratureThe literature will consist of textbook chapters and original research papers and will be provided during the kick-off meeting.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe participants should be familiar with the content of the lectures "Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen" (252-0026-00) and "Theoretische Informatik" (252-0057-00).

The presentations will be given in the form of a block course in June 2023, preferrably shortly after the end of the normal lectures.

The language can be mixed in German and English in the following sense: The teaching material will be in English, but it will be possible for at least half of the participants to give their presentations and hand in their written summaries in German.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Social CompetenciesCommunicationassessed
Self-presentation and Social Influence assessed
Personal CompetenciesCritical Thinkingfostered
Self-awareness and Self-reflection fostered
Self-direction and Self-management fostered