Torsten Hoefler: Courses in Autumn Semester 2023

Name Prof. Dr. Torsten Hoefler
FieldScalable Parallel Computing
Inst. f. Hochleistungsrechnersyst.
ETH Zürich, OAT V 15
Andreasstrasse 5
8092 Zürich
DepartmentComputer Science
RelationshipFull Professor

252-0817-00LDistributed Systems Laboratory Information 10 credits9P
252-0817-00 PDistributed Systems Laboratory
Lab projects are typically carried out in groups of two or three students.
9 hrsby appt.G. Alonso, T. Hoefler, A. Klimovic, T. Roscoe, R. Wattenhofer
263-2800-00LDesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing Information Restricted registration - show details 9 credits2V + 2U + 4A
263-2800-00 VDesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing2 hrs
Mon10:15-12:00HG E 5 »
T. Hoefler
263-2800-00 UDesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing2 hrs
Thu14:15-16:00CHN C 14 »
T. Hoefler
263-2800-00 ADesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
4 hrsT. Hoefler