Tanja Stadler: Lehrveranstaltungen im Herbstsemester 2023

Auszeichnung: Die Goldene Eule
NameFrau Prof. Dr. Tanja Stadler
LehrgebietComputergestützte Evolution
Computational Evolution
ETH Zürich, BSS J 6.3
Klingelbergstrasse 48
4056 Basel
BeziehungOrdentliche Professorin

262-6260-00LSummer School: Computational Approaches for Epidemiology and Public Health (ETH-EPFL)
Students need to register directly at the summer school - registration modalities are specified solely by the organizers of the summer school.

Contact: summerschool23@digitalepidemiologylab.org
Submission of interest form: https://forms.gle/FcUe5EeVfBP4WLCAA. Deadline 31 May 2023, with feedback expected before 30 June 2023.
2 KP3K
262-6260-00 KSummer School: Computational Approaches for Epidemiology and Public Health (ETH-EPFL)
Block Course: 24. - 29. September 2023, GR (Switzerland)

Registration modalities, dates and program will be specified solely by the organizersof the summer school.
40s Std.T. Stadler
636-0017-00LComputational Biology6 KP3G + 2A
636-0017-00 GComputational Biology
The lecture will be held each Monday (16h-18h) either in Zurich or Basel and will be transmitted via videoconference to the second location. Tutorials will happen in both locations.
Tutorials in Zürich: Monday 18h (HG D 16.2)
Tutorials in Basel: Thursday 12h (BSS E 46)
Attention: the lecture and tutorials start on Monday, September 25
3 Std.
Mo16:15-18:00BSS E 27 »
16:15-18:00HG D 16.2 »
18:15-19:00HG D 16.2 »
Do12:15-13:00BSS E 48 »
19.01.11:15-12:00HG D 3.2 »
T. Vaughan, C. Magnus, T. Stadler
636-0017-00 AComputational Biology
Project Work (compulsory continuous performance assessments), no fixed presence required.
2 Std.T. Vaughan, T. Stadler
636-0704-00LComputational Biology and Bioinformatics Seminar Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 30.
The seminar is addressed primarily at students enrolled in the MSc CBB programme.
Students of other ETH study programmes interested in this course need to ask the lecturer for permission to enrol in the course.

The Seminar will be offered in autumn semester in Basel (involving professors and lecturers from the University of Basel) and in spring semester in Zurich (involving professors and lecturers from the University of Zurich). Professors and lecturers from ETH Zurich are involved in both semesters.
2 KP2S
636-0704-00 SComputational Biology and Bioinformatics Seminar
Attention: the lecture starts on Thursday, September 28
2 Std.
Do14:15-16:00BSS E 23 »
N. Beerenwinkel, D. Iber, M. H. Khammash, T. Stadler, J. Stelling, Noch nicht bekannt