Peter Joseph Noser: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2017

NameMr Peter Joseph Noser
DepartmentCivil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

115-0600-00LStudio and Project Abroad Restricted registration - show details
Only for MAS in Spatial Planning
2 credits3SB. Scholl, A. Grams Dietziker, P. J. Noser, R. Signer, H. P. Vetsch
AbstractExploring, clarifying and solving of a task of spatial relevance abroad; spatial planning analysis of the situation (goals and problems, potentials and risks, strenghs and weaknesses); concept design jective and temporal priorities); preparation for implementation (instruments and procedures); independent group work, when indicated in collaboration with local students.
Learning objectivePracticing skills and knowledge learned during the MAS-programme related to problem analysis, clarification processes, design, interdisciplinary method, implementation, knowlegdge of the eruopean planning systems.
115-0702-01LStudy Project 2 Restricted registration - show details
Only for MAS in Spatial Planning
10 credits10US. Gatti-Sauter, F. Günther, K. H. Hoffmann-Bohner, D. L. Kolb, P. J. Noser, R. Tremp
AbstractDevelopment of strategies for sustainable development in the Lake Constance Region: spatial planning analysis of the situation (goals and problems, potentials and risks, strengths and weaknesses); concept design (goals and measures); program development (objective and temporal priorities); preparation for implementation (instruments and procedures).independent group work
Learning objectiveDetect, assess and classify the main conflicts of spatial development and define the need for planning action. Concentrate resources and design; evaluate different solutions and demonstrate their feasibility exemplarily. Recognize possibilities and limits of formal and informal planning and apply them in practice. Efficient and interdisciplinary work in groups, using optimally individual knowledge and skills of each group member.