Rico Zenklusen: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2014

Award: The Golden Owl
Name Prof. Dr. Rico Zenklusen
Institut für Operations Research
ETH Zürich, HG G 22.4
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 93 42
RelationshipFull Professor

401-4904-00LCombinatorial Optimization Information 6 credits2V + 1UR. Zenklusen
AbstractCombinatorial Optimization deals with efficiently finding a provably strong solution among a finite set of options. This course discusses key combinatorial structures and techniques to design efficient algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. We put a strong emphasis on polyhedral methods, which proved to be a powerful and unifying tool throughout combinatorial optimization.
Learning objectiveThe goal of this lecture is to get a thorough understanding of various modern combinatorial optimization techniques with an emphasis on polyhedral approaches. Students will learn a general toolbox to tackle a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems.
ContentKey topics include:
- (poly-)matroid optimization,
- matching and T-join polytope,
- equivalence between separation and optimization,
- design of efficient approximation algorithms for hard problems.
Lecture notesNot available.
Literature- Bernhard Korte, Jens Vygen: Combinatorial Optimization. 5th edition, Springer, 2012.
- Alexander Schrijver: Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and Efficiency, Springer, 2003. This work has 3 volumes.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis is an advanced optimization course that builds upon "Introduction to Optimization" (401-2903-00L), which is a prerequisite for taking this lecture. Furthermore, we recommend that students interested in taking "Combinatorial Optimization" also attend the course "Mathematical Optimization" (401-3901-00L) in parallel, if they have not already attended "Mathematical Optimization" in a previous semester.
401-5900-00LOptimization and Applications Information 0 credits2KR. Weismantel, B. Gärtner, D. Klatte, J. Lygeros, M. Morari, K. Schmedders, R. Smith, R. Zenklusen
AbstractLectures on current topics in optimization.
Learning objectiveThis lecture series introduces graduate students to ongoing research activities (including applications) in the domain of optimization.
ContentThis seminar is a forum for researchers interested in optimization theory and its applications. Speakers, invited from both academic and non-academic institutions, are expected to stimulate discussions on theoretical and applied aspects of optimization and related subjects. The focus is on efficient (or practical) algorithms for continuous and discrete optimization problems, complexity analysis of algorithms and associated decision problems, approximation algorithms, mathematical modeling and solution procedures for real-world optimization problems in science, engineering, industries, public sectors etc.