Fritz Brugger: Lehrveranstaltungen im Herbstsemester 2021

NameHerr Dr. Fritz Brugger
Professur für Entwicklungsökonomie
ETH Zürich, CLD B 11
Clausiusstrasse 37
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 50 97
DepartementGeistes-, Sozial- und Staatswissenschaften

865-0041-00LNatural Resource Governance and Development: Policies and Practice
Only for CAS in Development and Cooperation students, as well as specialists with at least 24 months of practical experience in international cooperation.

ETH doctoral students working on topics related to poverty reduction in low- and middle income countries may also be admitted.

Registration only through the NADEL administration office.
3 KP3S
865-0041-00 SNatural Resource Governance and Development: Policies and Practice
Online course from September 2021 to November 2021
36s Std.F. Brugger, weitere Referent/innen
865-0070-00LThe Private Sector and Development Organizations: Building Successful Alliances
Only for MAS/CAS in Development and Cooperation students, as well as specialists with at least 24 months of practical experience in international cooperation.
Doctoral students dealing with empirical research in the area of development and cooperation (EZA) may be admitted "sur Dossier".

Registration only through the NADEL administration office.
1 KP2G
865-0070-00 GThe Private Sector and Development Organizations: Building Successful Alliances
Block course from 15.11. – 17.11.2021
Location: CLD A1
24s Std.F. Brugger