David Byrne: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

Name Dr. David Byrne
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

701-0071-00LMathematics III: Systems Analysis4 credits2V + 1UN. Gruber, D. Byrne
AbstractThe objective of the systems analysis course is to deepen and illustrate the mathematical concepts on the basis of a series of very concrete examples. Topics covered include: linear box models with one or several variables, non-linear box models with one or several variables, time-discrete models, and continuous models in time and space.
Learning objectiveLearning and applying of concepts (models) and quantitative methods to address concrete problems of environmental relevance. Understanding and applying the systems-analytic approach, i.e., Recognizing the core of the problem - simplification - quantitative approach - prediction.
Lecture notesOverhead slides will be made available through Ilias.
LiteratureImboden, D.S. and S. Pfenninger (2013) Introduction to Systems Analysis: Mathematically Modeling Natural Systems. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
