Ori Bar-Nur: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2023

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Ori Bar-Nur
LehrgebietRegenerations- und Muskelbiologie
Regenerations- und Muskelbiologie
ETH Zürich, SLA C 1
Schorenstrasse 16
8603 Schwerzenbach
Telefon+41 44 655 74 50
DepartementGesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie
BeziehungAusserordentlicher Professor

376-0006-02LPraktikum Molekularbiologie Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Dieses Praktikum findet standardmässig im 6. Semester statt - bitte erst dann belegen.

Ausnahme: Studierende, welche im 6. Semester im Austausch sind, können das Praktikum im 4. Semester absolvieren; für Belegung bitte beim Mobilitätsverantwortlichen melden.
3 KP3PK. De Bock, O. Bar-Nur, F. von Meyenn, C. Wolfrum
KurzbeschreibungEinführung in die experimentelle Molekularbiologie anhand von Beispielen aus der Physiologie.
LernzielMolekularbiologie praktisch erfahren. Erlernen elementarer Untersuchungsmethoden
InhaltProteinanalyse, Zellkultur, Quantifizierung von RNA
SkriptEin Skript zum Praktikum wird abgegeben.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesGL Biologie II: Zellbiologie
376-0222-00LExercise Physiology II: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Skeletal Muscle3 KP2VK. De Bock, O. Bar-Nur, G. D'Hulst
KurzbeschreibungSkeletal muscle is an organ with a striking capacity to adapt to a variety of stimuli. It adapts to different modes of exercise training (endurance versus resistance exercise), regenerates upon damage, and loses its function under pathological conditions. This course gives insights into the molecular and cellular processes that control muscle adaptation to training and muscle repair from injury.
LernzielStudents will be able to understand the cellular composition of the muscle and how this affects muscle function. They will analyse and understand how a muscle adapts to a specific stimulus (exercise, injury, pathology), and how these processes are coordinated on a cellular and molecular level. They will learn the genetic basis of muscle disorders and obtain an overview on current efforts to develop new curative treatments for muscle diseases. Finally, will acquire skills to analyse and interpret current scientific efforts in the field, and translate the implications of research findings for training adaptations.
Inhalt- Adaptations to endurance training
- Adaptations to resistance training
- Muscle regeneration (focus on muscle stem cells)
- Muscle regeneration (focus on the role of stromal cells: vasculature, inflammation, FAPs,…)
- Regulation of muscle insulin sensitivity
- Muscle memory
- Muscle insulin sensitivity and exercise
- Muscle fiber typology and training optimization
- Dietary approaches to optimize exercise training adaptations
- How do elites train? (Or Concurrent training)
- Stem cell biology and cell-based therapies for muscle diseases
- Myogenic regulatory factors and their roles in muscle regeneration
- Genetic basis of muscle diseases
- Gene therapy and genome engineering approaches to treat muscle diseases
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes- Excercise Physiology I (376-0207-00)