Rafael Polania: Courses in Spring Semester 2023 |
Name | Dr. Rafael Polania |
Address | Neurowiss. der Entscheid.prozesse ETH Zürich, Y36 M 6 Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telephone | +41 44 633 99 75 |
Department | Health Sciences and Technology |
Relationship | Assistant Professor |
Number | Title | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
376-1986-00L | Bayesian Data Analysis and Models of Behavior (University of Zurich) No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student. UZH Module Code: DOEC0829 Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH: https://www.uzh.ch/cmsssl/en/studies/application/deadlines.html | 3 credits | 2S | ||
376-1986-00 S | Bayesian Data Analysis and Models of Behavior (University of Zurich) Does not take place this semester. **Course at University of Zurich** Binding information to be found in the course catalogue UZH. | 2 hrs | R. Polania, University lecturers |