Elizabeth Tilley: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2023

Name Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Tilley
FieldGlobal Health Engineering
Global Health Engineering
ETH Zürich, CLD D 10.1
Clausiusstrasse 37
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 88 28
DepartmentMechanical and Process Engineering
RelationshipAssociate Professor

151-8101-00LInternational Engineering: from Hubris to Hope4 credits3GE. Tilley, M. Kalina
AbstractSince Europe surrendered their colonial assets, engineers from rich countries have returned to the African continent to address the real and perceived ills that they felt technology could solve. And yet, 70 years on, the promise of technology has largely failed to deliver widespread, substantive improvements in the quality of life. Why?
Learning objectiveThis course is meant for engineers who are interested in pursuing an ethical and relevant career internationally, and who are willing to examine the complex role that well-meaning foreigners have played and continue to play in the disappointing health outcomes that characterize much of the African continent.

After completing the course, participants will be able to
• critique the jargon and terms used by the international community, i.e. “development”, “aid”, “cooperation”, “assistance” “third world” “developing” “global south” “low and middle-income” and justify their own chosen terminology
• recognize the role of racism and white-supremacy in the development of the Aid industry
• understand the political, financial, and cultural reasons why technology and infrastructure have historically failed
• Debate the merits of international engineering in popular culture and media
• Propose improved SDG indicators that address current shortcomings
• Compare the engineering curricula of different countries to identify relative strengths and shortcomings
• Explain the inherent biases of academic publishing and its impact on engineering failure
• Analyse linkages between the rise of philanthropy and strategic priority areas
• Recommend equitable, just funding models to achieve more sustainable outcomes
• Formulate a vision for the international engineer of the future
ContentRole of international engineering during colonialism
Transition of international engineering following colonialism
White saviourism and racism in international engineering
International engineering in popular culture
The missing role of Engineering Education
Biases academic publishing
The emerging role in Global Philanthropy
The paradox of International funding
LiteratureMcGoey, L. (2015). No such thing as a free gift: The Gates Foundation and the price of philanthropy. Verso Books.
Moyo, D. (2009). Dead aid: Why aid is not working and how there is a better way for Africa. Macmillan.
Munk, N. (2013). The idealist: Jeffrey Sachs and the quest to end poverty. Signal.
Rodney, W. (2018). How europe underdeveloped africa. Verso Trade.
851-0624-00LETH4D PhD Seminar: Research for Global Development Restricted registration - show details 1 credit1KI. Günther, E. Tilley
AbstractDoctoral candidates from all ETH departments, whose research is related to global sustainable development issues, and conducting research in low- or middle-income countries are invited to give a presentation about their on-going work and discuss their doctoral project with a diverse group of researchers.
Learning objectiveDoctoral students are able to present their doctoral project to an interdisciplinary audience and to respond to questions within a wider global sustainable development context.
860-0004-00LBridging Science, Technology, and Policy Restricted registration - show details
ISTP-PhD students please register via the Study Administration.
3 credits2ST. Bernauer, K. W. Axhausen, S. Bechtold, I. Günther, D. Hangartner, V. Koubi, M. Leese, T. Schmidt, B. Steffen, E. Tilley
AbstractThis course first provides a broad conceptual and historical perspective on technological and scientific innovation, and then focuses on different modes of policy analysis and their application to policy questions in a variety of areas.
Learning objectiveThis course picks up on the ISTP Cornerstone course in Science, Technology and Policy and goes into greater depth on issues covered in that course, as well as additional issues where science and technology are among the causes of societal challenges but can also help in finding solutions.
ContentSee Moodle for this course
Lecture notesCourse materials will be made available via Moodle.
LiteratureCourse materials will be made available via Moodle.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course is open only to the ISTP's MSc students and to ISTP doctoral students.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Social CompetenciesCommunicationfostered
Cooperation and Teamworkfostered
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
860-0005-00LColloquium Science, Technology, and Policy (HS) Restricted registration - show details 1 credit1KT. Schmidt, T. Bernauer, E. Tilley
AbstractPresentations by guest speakers from academia and practice/policy. Students are assigned to play a leading role in the discussion and write a report on the respective event.
Learning objectiveStudents obtain insights into different policy-related research fields and participate in scientific discussions.
ContentSee the program on the ISTP website: http://www.istp.ethz.ch/events/colloquium.html
The series is open to the public. The lectures start at 12:15 and last 30 minutes, followed by an open discussion of 30 minutes.
Prerequisites / Noticeopen to anyone from ETH
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesfostered
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesfostered
Social CompetenciesCommunicationfostered
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingfostered
Critical Thinkingfostered