Verena Zimmermann: Courses in Autumn Semester 2023

Name Prof. Dr. Verena Zimmermann
Name variantsVerena Schochlow
FieldSecurity, Privacy and Society
Sicherheit, Privatsphäre u. Gesell
ETH Zürich, STB G 19
Stampfenbachstrasse 69
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 34 96
DepartmentHumanities, Social and Political Sciences
RelationshipAssistant Professor (Tenure Track)

851-0252-04LBehavioral Studies Colloquium Information 1 credit2K
851-0252-04 KBehavioral Studies Colloquium2 hrs
Tue12:15-14:00HG E 33.3 »
26.09.16:15-18:00HG E 33.3 »
26.10.16:15-18:00LFW B 1 »
30.11.16:15-18:00CHN F 46 »
E. Cross, U. Brandes, D. Helbing, C. Hölscher, M. Kapur, C. Stadtfeld, E. Stern, V. Zimmermann
851-0391-00LFocus on the Human: Human-Centered Security and Privacy Lab Restricted registration - show details
The course is particularly suitable for all students who have already completed the course “Human-centered IT Security and Privacy” as some of the concepts introduced will practically be applied in this course. However, the relevant literature and necessary material will be provided to all students and basic concepts will be briefly summarized so that all interested students can participate.
3 credits2S
851-0391-00 SFocus on the Human: Human-Centered Security and Privacy Lab2 hrs
Thu10:15-12:00IFW B 42 »
V. Zimmermann, L. Schöni