Adrian Biland: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2021

Name Prof. Dr. Adrian Biland
Inst. f. Teilchen- und Astrophysik
ETH Zürich, HPK F 28
Otto-Stern-Weg 5
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 20 20
Fax+41 44 633 11 04
RelationshipAdjunct Professor

402-0000-02LLaboratory Course in Physics for Students in Food Sciences Information
Enrollment is only possible under
No registration required via myStudies. For further information visit:

Only students from 3rd Semester BSc Food Science on are admitted to this Laboratory Course.
2 credits4PA. Biland, A. Müller
AbstractThe central aim is to provide an individual experience of the physical phenomena and the basic principles of the experiment. By conducting simple physical experiments the student will learn how to properly use physical instruments and how to evaluate the results correctly.
Learning objectiveThis laboratory course aims to provide basic knowledge of
- the setup of a physics experiment,
- the use of measurement instruments,
- various measuring techniques,
- the analysis or measurement errors,
- and the interpretation of the measured quantities.
ContentFehlerrechnung, 9 ausgewählte Versuche zu folgenden Themen:

Transversalschwingung einer Saite, Mechanische Resonanz, Innere Reibung in Flüssigkeiten, Absoluter Nullpunkt der Temperaturskala, Universelle Gaskonstante, Spezifische Verdampfungswärme, Spezifische Wärme, Interferenz und Beugung, Drehung der Polarisationsebene, Spektrale Absorption, Energieverteilung im Spektrum, Spektroskopie, Leitfähigkeit eines Elektrolyten, Elektrische Leitfähigkeit und Wärmeleitfähigkeit, Radioaktivität, Radioaktive Innenluft, Dichte und Leitfähigkeit, Fluss durch ein poröses Medium, Lärm.

Die Auswahl der Versuche kann zwischen den verschiedenen Studiengängen variieren.
Lecture notesAnleitungen zum Physikalischen Praktikum
402-0000-03LLaboratory Course in Physics for Students in Earth Sciences Information
Enrollment is only possible under
No registration required via myStudies. For further information visit:

Only students from 3rd Semester BSc Earth Sciences on are admitted to this Laboratory Course.
2 credits4PA. Biland, A. Müller
AbstractThe central aim is to provide an individual experience of the physical phenomena and the basic principles of the experiment. By conducting simple physical experiments the student will learn how to properly use physical instruments and how to evaluate the results correctly.
Learning objectiveThis laboratory course aims to provide basic knowledge of
- the setup of a physics experiment,
- the use of measurement instruments,
- various measuring techniques,
- the analysis or measurement errors,
- and the interpretation of the measured quantities.
ContentFehlerrechnung, 9 ausgewählte Versuche zu folgenden Themen:

Transversalschwingung einer Saite, Mechanische Resonanz, Innere Reibung in Flüssigkeiten, Absoluter Nullpunkt der Temperaturskala, Universelle Gaskonstante, Spezifische Verdampfungswärme, Spezifische Wärme, Interferenz und Beugung, Drehung der Polarisationsebene, Spektrale Absorption, Energieverteilung im Spektrum, Spektroskopie, Leitfähigkeit eines Elektrolyten, Elektrische Leitfähigkeit und Wärmeleitfähigkeit, Radioaktivität, Radioaktive Innenluft, Dichte und Leitfähigkeit, Fluss durch ein poröses Medium, Lärm.

Die Auswahl der Versuche kann zwischen den verschiedenen Studiengängen variieren.
Lecture notesAnleitungen zum Physikalischen Praktikum
402-0300-00LIPA Colloquium Information 0 credits1SA. Biland, A. Refregier, H. M. Schmid, further lecturers
AbstractResearch colloquium
Learning objective
402-0713-00LAstro-Particle Physics I Information 6 credits2V + 1UA. Biland
AbstractThis lecture gives an overview of the present research in the field of Astro-Particle Physics, including the different experimental techniques. In the first semester, main topics are the charged cosmic rays including the antimatter problem. The second semester focuses on the neutral components of the cosmic rays as well as on some aspects of Dark Matter.
Learning objectiveSuccessful students know:
- experimental methods to measure cosmic ray particles over full energy range
- current knowledge about the composition of cosmic ray
- possible cosmic acceleration mechanisms
- correlation between astronomical object classes and cosmic accelerators
- information about our galaxy and cosmology gained from observations of cosmic ray
ContentFirst semester (Astro-Particle Physics I):
- definition of 'Astro-Particle Physics'
- important historical experiments
- chemical composition of the cosmic rays
- direct observations of cosmic rays
- indirect observations of cosmic rays
- 'extended air showers' and 'cosmic muons'
- 'knee' and 'ankle' in the energy spectrum
- the 'anti-matter problem' and the Big Bang
- 'cosmic accelerators'
Lecture notesSee lecture home page:
LiteratureSee lecture home page:
701-0033-00LLaboratory Course in Physics for Students of Environmental Sciences Information
Enrollment is only possible under
No registration required via myStudies. For further information visit:

Only students from 3th Semester BSc Environmental Sciences on are admitted to this lecture.
2 credits4PM. Münnich, A. Biland, N. Gruber
AbstractLearning with the basic principles of scientific experimentation. By performing experiments in different fields of experimental physics the students will learn the usage of measurement instruments as well as the correct analysis and assessment of the measurements. Physics as a personal experience will play an important role in it.
Learning objectiveWorking in a laboratory forms an important part of modern scientific education. Using simple experimental setup the laboratory course will provide basic knowledge of:
- the setup of experiments,
- various measurement techniques,
- the use of various measurement instruments,
- the correct performance of experiments,
- the analysis of the accuracy of the measurements,
- and the interpretations of the measured quantities.
The course will also deepen the knowledge of experimental physics.

In addition to experiments selected from the physics lab for physicists, this lab course offers experiments specially developed for bachelor students in environmental sciences, which illustrate the mutual relationships between physical processes and chemical and biological phenomena.
ContentThe students select 5 out of 18 offered experiments which they like to perform. For each of these experiments the students document and analyze their measurements, estimate in written reports the accuracy of their results and compare these with the values expected according to the laws of physics.
Lecture notesManuals for the experiments are provided online on the Moodle pages of the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeEnrollment not in MyStudies but at