William R. Taylor: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2023

Name Prof. Dr. William R. Taylor
Name variantsWilliam R. Taylor
W. R. Taylor
FieldMovement Biomechanics
Institut für Biomechanik
ETH Zürich, GLC H 16.2
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 05 95
DepartmentHealth Sciences and Technology
RelationshipFull Professor

376-0203-AALMovement and Sport Biomechanics
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course.
4 credits3RN. Singh, W. R. Taylor
AbstractLearning to view the human body as a (bio-) mechanical system. Making the connections between everyday movements and sports activity with injury, discomfort, prevention and rehabilitation.
Learning objective"Students are able to describe the human body as a mechanical system.
They analyse and describe human movement according to the laws of mechanics."
ContentMovement- and sports biomechanics deals with the attributes of the human body and their link to mechanics. The course includes topics such as functional anatomy, biomechanics of daily activities (gait, running, etc.) and looks at movement in sport from a mechanical point of view. Furthermore, simple reflections on the loading analysis of joints in various situations are discussed. Additionally, questions covering the statics and dynamics of rigid bodies, and inverse dynamics, relevant to biomechanics are investigated.
376-0206-00LBiomechanics II4 credits3GW. R. Taylor, P. Schütz, F. Vogl
AbstractIntroduction in dynamics, kinetics and kinematic of rigid and elastic multi-body systems with examples in technology, biology, medicine and especially the human movement
Learning objectiveThe students are able
- to analyse and describe dynamic systems
- to explain the mechanical laws and use them in technology, biology and medicine
ContentThe students can explain the fundamental concepts of the following topics and apply them to exercises from biomechanics and medicine.
- Kinematics of movement
- Kinetics of movement
- Energy, momentum, mechanics of collisions
- Angular momentum
- Coordinatesystems and -transforms
- Kinematics of multibody-systems
- Lagrange formalisms
- Kinetics of multibody-systems and energyflow
- Inverse dynamics
- Musclemechanics
- Muscle optimisations
376-1660-00LScientific Writing, Reporting and Communication Restricted registration - show details 3 credits2VW. R. Taylor, S. H. Hosseini Nasab
AbstractThis course aims to teach students many of the unwritten rules on how to communicate effectively, from writing reports or manuscripts (or indeed their Master thesis!) through to improving skills in oral presentations, and presenting themselves at interview.
Learning objectiveThis course will teach students to communicate effectively in official environments, including:
- writing manuscripts, theses, CVs, reports etc
- presenting posters
- oral presentations
- critical reviews of literature
376-1974-00LColloquium in Biomechanics Information 2 credits2KB. Helgason, P. Chansoria, S. J. Ferguson, R. Müller, D. K. Ravi, J. G. Snedeker, W. R. Taylor, M. Zenobi-Wong
AbstractCurrent topics in biomechanics presented by speakers from academia and industry.
Learning objectiveGetting insight into actual areas and problems of biomechanics.