Parth Chansoria: Courses in Spring Semester 2023

Name Dr. Parth Chansoria
Gewebetechnol. und Biofabrikation
ETH Zürich, HPL D 16.2
Otto-Stern-Weg 7
8093 Zürich
DepartmentHealth Sciences and Technology

376-1624-00LPractical Methods in Biofabrication Restricted registration - show details 5 credits4P
376-1624-00 PPractical Methods in Biofabrication
Weekly attendance is expected. To pass the course, only two absences are permitted. Attendance in the first week is mandatory. In order for your registration to be definitively accepted, a statement (max. 1 page) explaining your motivation for taking the course and confirming your attendance should be sent to by Jan 8, 2023.

The course takes place every week (Wednesday 13-18h) in different laboratories, and on the listed dates in HPZ E 35 / HIT E 51.
4 hrs
22.02.12:45-17:30HPZ E 35 »
01.03.12:45-17:30HPZ E 35 »
08.03.12:45-17:30HPZ E 35 »
31.05.12:45-17:30HIT E 51 »
S. J. Ferguson, P. Chansoria, A. Puiggali-Jou, S. Schürle-Finke, further lecturers
376-1974-00LColloquium in Biomechanics Information 2 credits2K
376-1974-00 KColloquium in Biomechanics2 hrs
Wed08:15-10:00ML E 12 »
B. Helgason, P. Chansoria, S. J. Ferguson, R. Müller, D. K. Ravi, J. G. Snedeker, W. R. Taylor, M. Zenobi-Wong