860-0012-01L  Cooperation and Conflict Over International Water Resources, In-Depth Case Study

SemesterHerbstsemester 2021
DozierendeB. Wehrli, T. Bernauer
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarOnly for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc and PhD students.

Prerequisite: you have to be enrolled in 860-0012-00L during the same semester.

KurzbeschreibungStudents write an individual term paper on technical, economic, and political water challenges in an international context. Coached by one of the instructors, students develop and write a case study that examines ways and means to address a specific challenge, and to evaluate success or failure of international collaboration.
LernzielIn developing their individual term paper, the students broaden their overview of (1) causes and consequences of water scarcity and water pollution problems in an international context; (2) they assess concepts and policies to mitigate a specific water challenge, and (3) they analyze determinants of success or failure of international collaboration in the water sectors.
InhaltIn the basic course on Cooperation and Conflict... 860-0012-00L the students students acquire basic knowledge on contentious issues in managing international water resources, on the determinants of cooperation and conflict over international water issues, and on ways and means of mitigating conflict and promoting cooperation.
In this course, which is reserved to STP students, the participants will be individually coached by one of the instructors and do research and develop a case-study paper on an international water challenge of their choice. The topic should avoid overlap with the work in course 860-0012-00L.
Skriptsee 860-0012-00L
LiteraturIn a global context, the targets of sustainable development goal 6 serve as a possible starting point: http://bit.ly/2yVARMG

In the European context, the implementation reports of the Water Framework Directive represent another reference frame: http://bit.ly/2y5NPLl
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis course is reserved for STP students who participate in the basic course on Cooperation and Conflict Over International Water Resources 860-0012-00L.

STP students should sign up for both courses, 860-0012-00L and 860-0012-01L.