851-0371-00L  Coaching Students

SemesterAutumn Semester 2020
LecturersB. Volk, R. P. Haas
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractThe course “Coaching Students” enhances Student Teaching Assistants and other participants in their roles as student coaches, acquiring basic knowledge about coaching methodology and the mindset of a coach. The course is focusing on participants that are coaching student groups or teams or individuals with open tasks without model solution, where nondirective support plays an important role.
Learning objectiveParticipants will
• understand the basics of coaching and the roles as student coach.
• develop the mindset of a coach and reflect on their attitude towards guiding student learning processes (individuals and teams).
• acquire coaching skills and build knowledge and know-how about coaching methods.
• analyse learning scenarios and team situations by developing and verifying hypotheses.
• design coaching session and feel confident to use coaching methods.
• give and get feedback from peers and self-reflect on their coaching practice.
ContentAfter the online phase students improve their theoretical knowledge, methods expertise and coaching skills in five double lessons with in-class activities.

Here is the schedule with dates and topics
(Zoom-Meetings for Live Sessions on Mondays, 16:15-18:00:
Link is published in the Moodle Course:

• Sep 21, 2020: Kickoff including coaching roles and GROW model
• Oct 12, 2020: Basic coaching skill: aktive listening, asking questions, giving feedback
• Oct 19, 2020: Psychological safety and teambuilding
• Oct 26, 2020: Facilitating conflicts
• Nov 02, 2020: Reflexivity and participants cases
• Nov 09, 2020: Hypothesis and reviewing reasons for interventions

For the kickoff and each live session preparatory material is provided, enabling participants to start these sessions well equipped.