Prerequisite: Successful completion of the MSc-course "Sedimentology I" (651-4041-00L).
Theoretical background and application of some basic methods for sediment analysis.
Learning objective
The main goal is to learn how to apply the analysis of the texture and grain-size of sediments to constrain the sedimentary processes and environments.
A one-day fieldtrip to a local outcrop to learn how to describe sediments in the field and to collect samples for grain-size and compositional analysis. Application of the same analytical techniques on samples of unknown origin: the sampling sites will be revealed at the end of the course. Discussion of the theoretical background and of the results in class. At the end of the course, the student will have to hand in a report with the presentation and discussion of all the data produced during the course.
Lecture notes
For the various analytical methods English texts will be provided in class.
Introduction to clastic sedimentology. R.J. Cheel, Brock University