651-4055-00L  Analytical Methods in Petrology and Geology

SemesterHerbstsemester 2021
DozierendeJ. Allaz, S. Bernasconi, M. Guillong, L. Zehnder
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

651-4055-00 GAnalytical Methods in Petrology and Geology
Introductory lectures in the first week of the semester followed by lab exercises during the first half of the semester including:
Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA), laser ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS), mass spectroscopy for light isotopes, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF).
28s Std.
Do14:15-18:00NO »
23.09.14:15-18:00NO D 11 »
30.09.14:15-15:00NO D 11 »
J. Allaz, S. Bernasconi, M. Guillong, L. Zehnder