227-0579-00L  Hardware Security

SemesterHerbstsemester 2021
DozierendeK. Razavi
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

227-0579-00 VHardware Security
An informal meeting is planned for Friday, 17 December between 5 - 7 pm. The exact room will be announced later.
Please note that the classes of October 5 and October 19 take place from 08:00 - 11:00 instead of 08:00 - 10:00 in ETZ G71.2.
2 Std.
Di08:15-10:00HG E 41 »
K. Razavi
227-0579-00 UHardware Security2 Std.
Do10:15-12:00IFW A 32.1 »
K. Razavi
227-0579-00 AHardware Security
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
2 Std.K. Razavi