401-3112-23L  Number Theory II: Introduction to Modular Forms

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2023
DozierendeÖ. Imamoglu
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarBe aware that there is a big overlap with former course units on modular forms, in particular with 401-4118-22L taught in the Spring Semester 2022 as an elective course. Only one of the two course units may be recognised for credits. More precisely, it is also not allowed to have recognised one course unit for the Bachelor's and the other course unit for the Master's degree.

401-3112-23 GNumber Theory II: Introduction to Modular Forms
exercises Fri 10-12 bi-weekly in two classes.
4 Std.
Di10:15-12:00HG E 22 »
Fr10:15-12:00HG F 5 »
Fr/2w10:15-12:00ML J 37.1 »
Ö. Imamoglu