061-0101-00L  Climate / Water / Soil

SemesterAutumn Semester 2023
LecturersH. Joos, R. Kretzschmar, R. Weingartner, A. Carminati, S. Dötterl, M. G. Fellin, A. Frossard, T. Galí-Izard, N. Gruber, V. Picotti, S. Schemm, J. Schwaab, C. Steger, H. Wernli
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

061-0101-01 GClimate Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Module dates 25.09. - 28.09.23
The detailed course schedule is published at the beginning of the semester on the program website and is included in the reader.
20s hrs
25.09. - 28.09.08:00-11:30HIL G 64 »
28.09.12:45-16:30HIL G 64 »
H. Joos, M. G. Fellin, T. Galí-Izard, N. Gruber, V. Picotti, S. Schemm, J. Schwaab, C. Steger, H. Wernli
061-0101-02 GWater Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Module dates 09.10. - 12.10.23
The detailed course schedule is published at the beginning of the semester on the program website and is included in the reader.
20s hrs
12.10.12:45-17:30HIL G 64 »
R. Weingartner
061-0101-03 GSoil Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Module dates 02.10. - 05.10.23
The detailed course schedule is published at the beginning of the semester on the program website and is included in the reader.
20s hrs
02.10. - 05.10.08:00-11:30HIL G 64 »
05.10.12:45-16:30HIL G 64 »
R. Kretzschmar, A. Carminati, S. Dötterl, A. Frossard, T. Galí-Izard