529-0124-00L BCB I: General Chemistry
Semester | Autumn Semester 2023 |
Lecturers | M. Bezdek, D. Dirin, A. Yakimov |
Periodicity | yearly recurring course |
Language of instruction | German |
Comment | Latest online enrolment is 18.09.2023. Information about the practical course will be given on the first day. |
Number | Title | Hours | Lecturers | |
529-0124-00 P | BCB I: Allgemeine Chemie Ferienpraktikum nach dem 1. Semester, Woche 1-4 8-18 Uhr, oder alternativ während des 1. Semesters | 8 hrs | M. Bezdek, D. Dirin, A. Yakimov |