636-0120-00L  Introduction to Programming

SemesterHerbstsemester 2023
DozierendeA. Gupta, T. Vaughan
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarThis is a voluntary programming course BEFORE the start of the semester, open for students of the MSc Biotechnology master's programme.
Lecture dates: 4-15 September 2023.

636-0120-00 GIntroduction to Programming
This is a voluntary programming course BEFORE the start of the semester, open for students of the MSc Biotechnology master's programme.
Lecture dates: 4-15 September 2023.
18s Std.
04.09.09:15-12:00BSS E 48 »
06.09.09:15-12:00BSS E 48 »
08.09.09:15-12:00BSS E 48 »
11.09.09:15-12:00BSS E 48 »
13.09.09:15-12:00BSS E 48 »
15.09.09:15-12:00BSS E 48 »
A. Gupta, T. Vaughan