401-0649-00L  Applied Statistical Regression

SemesterHerbstsemester 2017
DozierendeM. Dettling
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung


401-0649-00 VApplied Statistical Regression2 Std.
Mo08:15-10:00HG E 1.2 »
M. Dettling
401-0649-00 UApplied Statistical Regression
Mon 10-12 might not work for all different programmes where this course is offered. On sufficient demand, other slots (tentatively Mon 15-17 or Fri 10-12) for the exercise sessions can be offered.
1 Std.
Mo/2w10:15-12:00HG E 1.2 »
25.09.10:15-12:00HG D 7.2 »
M. Dettling


KurzbeschreibungThis course offers a practically oriented introduction into regression modeling methods. The basic concepts and some mathematical background are included, with the emphasis lying in learning "good practice" that can be applied in every student's own projects and daily work life. A special focus will be laid in the use of the statistical software package R for regression analysis.
LernzielThe students acquire advanced practical skills in linear regression analysis and are also familiar with its extensions to generalized linear modeling.
InhaltThe course starts with the basics of linear modeling, and then proceeds to parameter estimation, tests, confidence intervals, residual analysis, model choice, and prediction. More rarely touched but practically relevant topics that will be covered include variable transformations, multicollinearity problems and model interpretation, as well as general modeling strategies.

The last third of the course is dedicated to an introduction to generalized linear models: this includes the generalized additive model, logistic regression for binary response variables, binomial regression for grouped data and poisson regression for count data.
SkriptA script will be available.
LiteraturFaraway (2005): Linear Models with R
Faraway (2006): Extending the Linear Model with R
Draper & Smith (1998): Applied Regression Analysis
Fox (2008): Applied Regression Analysis and GLMs
Montgomery et al. (2006): Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe exercises, but also the classes will be based on procedures from the freely available, open-source statistical software package R, for which an introduction will be held.

In the Mathematics Bachelor and Master programmes, the two course units 401-0649-00L "Applied Statistical Regression" and 401-3622-00L "Regression" are mutually exclusive. Registration for the examination of one of these two course units is only allowed if you have not registered for the examination of the other course unit.


Information zur Leistungskontrolle (gültig bis die Lerneinheit neu gelesen wird)
Leistungskontrolle als Semesterkurs
ECTS Kreditpunkte5 KP
PrüfendeM. Dettling
RepetitionDie Leistungskontrolle wird in jeder Session angeboten. Die Repetition ist ohne erneute Belegung der Lerneinheit möglich.
Prüfungsmodusschriftlich 120 Minuten
Zusatzinformation zum PrüfungsmodusExam questions may be answered in English or in German.

Mathematics Bachelor / Mathematics Master: see notice in the catalogue data.
Hilfsmittel schriftlichOpen book, i.e. any written material is allowed. We recommend to bring a pocket calculator.
Diese Angaben können noch zu Semesterbeginn aktualisiert werden; verbindlich sind die Angaben auf dem Prüfungsplan.


Keine öffentlichen Lernmaterialien verfügbar.
Es werden nur die öffentlichen Lernmaterialien aufgeführt.


Keine Informationen zu Gruppen vorhanden.


Keine zusätzlichen Belegungseinschränkungen vorhanden.

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