227-0102-00L  Discrete Event Systems

SemesterAutumn Semester 2021
LecturersR. Jacob, L. Vanbever, R. Wattenhofer
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits6 credits
ExaminersR. Wattenhofer, R. Jacob, L. Vanbever
Typesession examination
Language of examinationEnglish
RepetitionThe performance assessment is only offered in the session after the course unit. Repetition only possible after re-enrolling.
Mode of examinationwritten 120 minutes
Written aidsAny kind of document is allowed (script, slides, own notes, exercises, books). NOT allowed is any electronic device (pocket calculator, mobile phone, laptop)!
This information can be updated until the beginning of the semester; information on the examination timetable is binding.