227-0085-21L  Projects & Seminars: Quad-Rotors: Control and Estimation

SemesterAutumn Semester 2022
LecturersJ. Lygeros
Periodicityevery semester recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentOnly for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology BSc.

The course unit can only be taken once. Repeated enrollment in a later semester is not creditable.


227-0085-21 PProjekte & Seminare: Quad-Rotors: Control and Estimation Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Für den Zugang zum Angebot und zur Einschreibung loggen Sie sich hier ein (mit Ihrem n.ETHZ account): https://psapp.ee.ethz.ch/
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Seite jeweils erst zwei Wochen vor Semesterbeginn zugänglich ist und im Verlauf des Semesters wieder abgeschaltet wird. Die Einschreibung ist nur von Freitag vor Semesterbeginn bis zum ersten Freitagmittag im Semester möglich.

To access the offer and to enroll for courses log in (with your n.ethz account): https://psapp.ee.ethz.ch/
Please note that the P&S-site is accessible no earlier than two weeks before the start of the semester until four weeks after the start of the semester. Enrollment is only possible from Friday before the start of the semester until noon of the first Friday in the semester.
2 hrs
Thu08:15-12:00ETL D 12 »
Thu/108:15-12:00ETZ K 91 »
J. Lygeros

Catalogue data

AbstractThe category of "Laboratory Courses, Projects, Seminars" includes courses and laboratories in various formats designed to impart practical knowledge and skills. Moreover, these classes encourage independent experimentation and design, allow for explorative learning and teach the methodology of project work.
Learning objectiveThe objective of this P&S is to make a real-world quad-rotor fly autonomously by applying the control and estimation theory taught in class.
Details of this P&S course can be found at: http://www.dfall.ethz.ch/pands.php
A video showing highlights from HS2018 can be see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEg-XHSXd58

In the first half of the P&S, we will introduce the physical model for a quad-rotor and use this to apply the control and estimation techniques that are taught in the 5th semester in the Control System 1 class. The students will then create their own control function for a quad-rotor and test these in simulation. The second half of the course will involve the students implementing the control and estimation algorithms they design in the real-world on our fleet of nano-quad-rotors. Once stable flight is achieved, the students will have the freedom to perform tasks with the quad-rotor. By implementing the control and estimation algorithms on a real-quadcopter, the students will gain experience with how decisions in the modelling and design stage affect real-world performance.

Important Information:
Students must be in the 6th semester.
The first class will be Monday, September 21 for all students.
Classes will then occur every second week. The students will be split into two groups and the classes for each group will occur on alternating weeks.
It is preferable to be taking the Control Systems 1 (CS1) course but not mandatory. Those students who are not taking CS1 will need to complete some extra reading to understand some aspects of this P&S.
Due to COVID-19, the course will be offered in an online setting with classes being held over Zoom. The students will be able to take a real-world quad-rotor to their homes in order to implement the control and estimation algorithms taught in the course.

Performance assessment

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits2 credits
ExaminersJ. Lygeros
Typeungraded semester performance
Language of examinationEnglish
RepetitionRepetition only possible after re-enrolling for the course unit.

Learning materials

No public learning materials available.
Only public learning materials are listed.


No information on groups available.


General : Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers
PlacesLimited number of places. Special selection procedure.
Beginning of registration periodRegistration possible from 16.09.2022
PriorityRegistration for the course unit is only possible for the primary target group
Primary target groupElectrical Engin. + Information Technology BSc (228000)
Waiting listuntil 07.10.2022
End of registration periodRegistration only possible until 30.09.2022

Offered in

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology BachelorProjects & SeminarsWInformation