401-3620-22L  Student Seminar in Statistics: Causality

SemesterSpring Semester 2023
LecturersP. L. Bühlmann, N. Meinshausen
Periodicityevery semester recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentNumber of participants limited to 76.
Mainly for students from the Mathematics Bachelor and Master Programmes who, in addition to the introductory course unit 401-2604-00L Probability and Statistics, have heard at least one core or elective course in statistics. Also offered in the Master Programmes Statistics resp. Data Science.

AbstractCausality is dealing with fundamental questions about cause and effect. The student seminar covers statistical and mathematical aspects of causality ranging from fundamental formalization of concepts to practical algorithms and methods.
Learning objectiveThe participants of the seminar acquire knowledge about: concepts and formalization of statistical causality; methods, algorithms and corresponding assumptions for inferring causal relations from data; causal analysis in practice based on real data.
Prerequisites / NoticeBasic course in probability and statistics.