263-5701-00L  Scientific Visualization

SemesterSpring Semester 2023
LecturersM. Gross, T. Günther
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits5 credits
ExaminersT. Günther, M. Gross
Typesession examination
Language of examinationEnglish
RepetitionThe performance assessment is only offered in the session after the course unit. Repetition only possible after re-enrolling.
Mode of examinationwritten 120 minutes
Additional information on mode of examinationThe final grade will be computed from grades for the written exam (75%) and the course project (25%, compulsory continuous performance assessment). The course project is always graded and has not to be passed on its own. The grade of the course project will be announced at the end of the semester. The theoretical exercises are graded and the correct completion of 80% adds a bonus of 0.25 points to the final grade.
Written aidsKeine!
This information can be updated until the beginning of the semester; information on the examination timetable is binding.