402-0053-00L  Physics II

SemesterAutumn Semester 2023
LecturersA. Imamoglu
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish


402-0053-00 VPhysics II4 hrs
Tue09:45-11:30HPH G 3 »
Wed13:45-15:30HPH G 3 »
A. Imamoglu
402-0053-00 UPhysics II2 hrs
Tue13:45-15:30HCI E 2 »
13:45-15:30HCI J 8 »
13:45-15:30HIL D 10.2 »
13:45-15:30HIL D 60.1 »
13:45-15:30HIL E 10.1 »
13:45-15:30HIT F 31.1 »
13:45-15:30HIT F 31.2 »
13:45-15:30HIT F 32 »
13:45-15:30HIT J 52 »
13:45-15:30HIT J 53 »
13:45-15:30HPL D 34 »
A. Imamoglu

Catalogue data

AbstractThe goal of the Physics II class is an introduction to quantum mechanics
Learning objectiveTo work effectively in many areas of modern engineering, such as renewable energy and nanotechnology, students must possess a basic understanding of quantum mechanics. The aim of this course is to provide this knowledge while making connections to applications of relevancy to engineers. After completing this course, students will understand the basic postulates of quantum mechanics and be able to apply mathematical methods for solving various problems including atoms, molecules, and solids. Additional examples from engineering disciplines will also be integrated.
- Wave mechanics: the old quantum theory
- Postulates and formalism of Quantum Mechanics
- First application: the quantum well and the harmonic Oscillator
- QM in three dimension: the Hydrogen atom
- Identical particles: Pauli's principle
- Crystalline Systems and band structures
- Quantum statistics
- Approximation Methods
- Applications in Engineering
- Entanglement and superposition
Lecture notesLecture notes (hand-written) will be distributed via the Moodle interface
LiteratureDavid J. Griffiths, "Introduction to quantum mechanics" Second edition, Cambridge University Press.

Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites: Physics I.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed

Performance assessment

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
In examination block forBachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2017; Version 07.11.2024 (Examination Block 1)
ECTS credits8 credits
ExaminersA. Imamoglu
Typesession examination
Language of examinationEnglish
RepetitionThe performance assessment is offered every session. Repetition possible without re-enrolling for the course unit.
Mode of examinationwritten 180 minutes
Written aidsA formula sheet (provided before in the moodle interface and along with the text of the exam); a simple (non-programmable) pocket calculator.
Distance examinationIt is not possible to take a distance examination.
If the course unit is part of an examination block, the credits are allocated for the successful completion of the whole block.
This information can be updated until the beginning of the semester; information on the examination timetable is binding.

Learning materials

Moodle courseMoodle-Kurs / Moodle course
Only public learning materials are listed.


No information on groups available.


There are no additional restrictions for the registration.

Offered in

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology BachelorExamination Block 1OInformation