151-0917-00L  Mass Transfer

SemesterAutumn Semester 2023
LecturersS. E. Pratsinis, A. Güntner, V. Mavrantzas, C.‑J. Shih
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractThis course presents the fundamentals of transport phenomena with emphasis on mass transfer. The physical significance of basic principles is elucidated and quantitatively described. Furthermore the application of these principles to important engineering problems is demonstrated.
Learning objectiveThis course presents the fundamentals of transport phenomena with emphasis on mass transfer. The physical significance of basic principles is elucidated and quantitatively described. Furthermore the application of these principles to important engineering problems is demonstrated.
ContentFick's laws; application and significance of mass transfer; comparison of Fick's laws with Newton's and Fourier's laws; derivation of Fick's 2nd law; diffusion in dilute and concentrated solutions; rotating disk; dispersion; diffusion coefficients, viscosity and heat conduction (Pr and Sc numbers); Brownian motion; Stokes-Einstein equation; mass transfer coefficients (Nu and Sh numbers); mass transfer across interfaces; Analogies for mass-, heat-, and momentum transfer in turbulent flows; film-, penetration-, and surface renewal theories; simultaneous mass, heat and momentum transfer (boundary layers); homogeneous and heterogeneous reversible and irreversible reactions; diffusion-controlled reactions; mass transfer and first order heterogeneous reaction. Applications.
LiteratureCussler, E.L.: "Diffusion", 3nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents attending this highly-demanding course are expected to allocate sufficient time within their weekly schedule to successfully conduct the exercises.