Digital and analogue signals and their representation, logic gates, transistors, combinational and sequential circuits and systems, boolean algebra, Karnaugh-maps, finite state machines, memory and computing building blocks in CMOS technology.
Learning objective
Provide basic knowledge and methods to understand and to design digital circuits and systems.
Digital and analogue signals and their representation. Boolean Algebra, circuit analysis and synthesis, the MOS transistor, CMOS logic, static and dynamic behaviour, Karnaugh-Maps, hazards, binary number systems, coding. Combinational and sequential circuits and systems (boolean algebra, K-maps, etc.). Memory building blocks and memory structures, programmable logic circuits. Finite state machines, architetcure of microprocessors.
Access to the book «J. Reichardt, "Digitaltechnik: eine Einfuehrung mit VHDL", 5th edition, De Gruyter Studium, 2021.» is provided online by the ETH Library.