Introduction to fundamental concepts of modern programming and operational skills for developing high-quality programs, including large programs as in industry. The course introduces software engineering principles with an object-oriented approach based.
Learning objective
Many people can write programs. The "Introduction to Programming" course goes beyond that basic goal: it teaches the fundamental concepts and skills necessary to perform programming at a professional level. As a result of successfully completing the course, students master the fundamental control structures, data structures, reasoning patterns and programming language mechanisms characterizing modern programming, as well as the fundamental rules of producing high-quality software. They have the necessary programming background for later courses introducing programming skills in specialized application areas.
Basics of object-oriented programming. Objects and classes. Pre- and postconditions, class invariants, design by contract. Fundamental control structures. Assignment and references. Fundamental data structures and algorithms. Recursion. Inheritance and interfaces, basic concepts of Software Engineering such as the software process, specification and documentation, debugging, reuse and quality assurance.
Lecture notes
The lecture slides are available for download on the course page.
See the course page for up-to-date information.
Prerequisites / Notice
There are no special prerequisites. Students are expected to enroll in the other courses offered to first-year students of computer science.