Suitable for MSc and PhD Students. Automatic admittance is given to students of the MAS in Sustainable Water Resources. All other registrations are accepted until capacity is reached.
118-0113-00 G
Water Governance: Challenges and Solutions
Block course: Fridays April 19, April 26, May 3. From 9:00-12:00 and 13:30-16:30.
The block course on "Water Governance: Challenges and Solutions" features invited experts with backgrounds in international relations, law, politics, and diplomacy. Through theoretical input and case studies, students learn about the realities of water conflicts and the intricacies of cooperation and diplomacy.
Learning objective
The course provides students with insights into the complex realities of addressing water conflicts with sustainable solutions that promote cooperation.
The course offers students the opportunity to learn from experts who have worked on domestic and transboundary river basin issues, both in Europe and internationally. Through case studies and group exercises, students gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of water governance and current global challenges. Topics that will be addressed include stakeholder involvement, institutional legal frameworks, and solutions for cooperation.