651-6001-00L  Ethics and Scientific Integrity for Doctoral Students of D-ERDW

SemesterSpring Semester 2024
LecturersT. I. Eglinton, H. Stoll
Periodicityevery semester recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractThis course sensitises doctoral students to ethical issues that may occur during their doctorate. After an introduction to ethics and good scientific practice, students are familiarised with resources that can assist them with ethical decision-making. Students get the chance to apply their knowledge in a discipline specific context.
Learning objectiveDoctoral students learn how to identify, analyse and address ethical issues in their own scientific research. In addition, they will reflect on their professional role as scientific researchers.
ContentPart I
The self-paced e-learning course consists of 5 modules:

Module 1: Ethics
- Introduction to moral theory (with emphasis on practical guidance regarding decision making)

Module 2: Ethics in scientific research
- Introduction to ethical issues that occur within scientific research (i.e. regarding authorship, cooperation, data use and sharing, and other aspects that are subject to scientific integrity and good scientific practice).

Module 3: Collecting resources
- A variety of tools and resources that help identify ethical issues are presented and explained

Module 4: Setting up a strategy
- Example examination of a case regarding its ethical scope (students develop their own strategy to examine situations for their ethical implications).

Module 5: Making desicions
- Different ways of addressing ethical issues are presented and explained (i.e. how to make hard choices, or solve ethical dilemmas. But also where to seek advice if needed).

Part II
The second, face-to-face part of this course focuses on discipline-specific aspects. It provides an interactive learning environment. Students get to apply their knowledge, and they are encouraged to reflect on ethical problems and to critically discuss them with fellow doctoral students.
Prerequisites / NoticeFor Doctoral Students of D-ERDW only
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesDecision-makingassessed
Personal CompetenciesCritical Thinkingassessed
Integrity and Work Ethicsassessed